
  1. 从现在到未来的二十年路程,谁知道呢?

    Now , twenty years down the road , who knows ?

  2. 未来学辩证法是反映与创造从现在到未来发展趋向的必然联系和发展的科学。

    Futurological dialectics concerns the study which depicts or forecasts the inherent connections between the present developmental trends and those in future .

  3. 然而,在高度不确定的环境中,没有谁知道什么是从现在起到未来一直都是正确的事情。

    But in a highly uncertain environment , nobody can tell what is right for all the time .

  4. 时间的流逝不仅仅具有线性的特点,不仅仅是从过去、现在到未来的行程;

    The passing of time bears not only linear feature but also the communication of the past , present and future .