
rén shēn quán
  • personal right;right of the person
  1. 器官移植中的人身权问题探讨

    A Study of Personal Right in Organ Transplantation

  2. 劳动者人身权的法律保障

    Legal Safeguard for Laborers ' Personal Right

  3. 著作人身权,在英美法系国家中称为MoralRights,它主要指作者因创作作品而享有的有关身份和名誉等方面的专有权利。

    Right of the person of the work , call Moral Rights among Great Britain American and French department country , it mean about identity and reputation , etc.

  4. 文章分四大部分,第一部分主要阐述著作人身权的基本理论。

    The first section explicates the basic theory of moral right .

  5. 侵犯人身权犯罪中的刑事附带民事诉讼研究

    Study on the criminal with civil action in assault and battery

  6. 论我国著作权法建筑作品的人身权

    On the Moral Rights of Architectural Works in China Copyright Law

  7. 我国人身权扩张保护初探

    Preliminary study of extending protection of the personal rights in our country

  8. 因此,笔者选择这一论题,以期对著作权以及著作人身权制度有更深入的理解。

    As a result the author select moral right as the proposition .

  9. 著作人身权侵权的精神损害赔偿研究

    Research on Spirit Damage Compensate for Infringement of Authors ' Personal Rights

  10. 著作人身权转让质疑

    Critical review on transfer of copyright in Persona NEW WORKS

  11. 试论执法民警的人身权保障

    On How to Protect the Personal Right of Law Enforcement Police Officers

  12. 论监狱在押服刑人员人身权保障限度

    On the Limitation of the Personal Rights Protection of Prisoners

  13. 论网络环境下著作人身权的移转

    On the Transfer of Copyright-related Personal Rights under the Environment of Network

  14. 论著作人身权的可转让性

    Observations on the Problems Concerning the Transferability of Copyright - Related Personal Rights

  15. 网络著作人身权研究

    A Study on the Personal Right of Net Works

  16. 人身权受损的行政补偿

    On Administrative Compensation for Infringement of Personal rights

  17. 我国刑法人身权保护现状和问题

    The Present Situation and Problem in Chinese Criminal Protection of the Right of Personality

  18. 身份权是民法人身权制度的重要组成部分。

    Rights of status are important component of the personal rights system in civil law .

  19. 赔偿标准太低,人身权损害的赔偿标准应当提高,增加精神损害赔偿,财产权损害的赔偿,原则上应当与民事赔偿标准一致;

    The indemnity standard is too low ;

  20. 其中包括建筑作品的著作人身权和著作财产权。

    Including moral rights and property rights .

  21. 第二部分将民法人身权和著作人身权分别加以界定,并将民法人身权与著作人身权作详细的比较,进一步明确了著作人身权的性质与特征。

    In the second part , personal right and moral right are defined in particular .

  22. 农民人身权的主要权能缺失及法治对策

    The Deletion of the Main Capacity of Farmers ' Personal Rights and the Counter Legal Measures

  23. 生育权为人身权,由单个自然人享有。

    Right to birth belongs to human rights , enjoying by a separate man or woman .

  24. 反思与重构:著作人身权制度探讨&以法律本体秩序为视野

    Introspection and Reconstruction : Probing of Work Personal Rights System & Regarding Essence Cosmos of Law as View

  25. 出售、非法提供公民个人信息罪的犯罪客体是公民的人身权。

    The objective of illegal sale and providing personal information of citizens is the personal rights of citizens .

  26. 第四节人身权

    Section 4 Personal Rights

  27. 从目前来看,新技术引发的新的法律问题主要集中在版权侵权领域和人身权侵权领域。

    Now , the new problem of law by the Internet is focus on the personal right and copyright .

  28. 高校学生的体育权利主要包括,受体育教育权、平等权、人身权。

    The sport rights of the university students include the sports education right , equality right and personal right .

  29. 然后介绍了美国和德国这两个有代表性国家的著作人身权限制制度。

    And then this paper introduces the existing rule of limitations on moral rights in the United States and Germany .

  30. 同时,从理性角度和利益平衡角度阐述网上人身权保护的必要性。

    At the same time , from the rational Angle and interests balance explains the necessity of rights protection online .