
rén shēnɡ ɡuān
  • outlook on life;view of life;Weltanschauung
人生观 [rén shēng guān]
  • [outlook on life] 对人生价值和意义所持有的观点

  1. 他们的人生观非常狭隘。

    They 've got a very blinkered view of life

  2. 已婚的人与单身的人通常有不同的人生观。

    Married people usually have a different view of life from single people .

  3. 在监狱里度过的一夜彻底改变了他的人生观。

    Spending a night in jail was his road to Damascus .

  4. 他的人生观很实际。

    He had a practical outlook on life .

  5. 人生观的这种转变是否反映了日常生活中的真实遭遇?

    Does such an attitudinal change reflect real experiences in daily life ?

  6. 这场病对他的人生观产生了深刻的影响。

    The illness had a profound effect on his outlook

  7. 我开始抱持积极向上的人生观。

    I adopted a positive outlook on life

  8. 孩子们的人生观并不总是一致,但他们敢于表达自己的观点。

    The kids ' views on life don 't always coincide , but they 're not afraid of voicing their opinions

  9. 他的人生观十分豁达。

    He has a broad outlook on life .

  10. 海外生活帮助他形成了四海一家的人生观。

    Living abroad helps him form a cosmopolitan .

  11. 海明威笔下的角色明确反映出他自己的价值观与人生观。

    Hemingway 's characters plainly embody his own values and view of life .

  12. 她有四海一家的人生观。

    She has a very cosmopolitan outlook on life .

  13. 生活艺术论”是林语堂文化观、人生观和审美观的集中体现

    It is a philosophy of life , promulgating numerous and complicated existence . “

  14. 其中P代表个人性格(包括人生观、适应力和忍耐力);

    In the equation , P stands for Personal Characteristics ( outlook on life , adaptability and resilience );

  15. 次年,他在为斯坦福大学(Stanforduniversity)学生做的一次演讲中表示,得知自己可能不久于人世的诊断结果后,他进一步坚定了从17岁起便一直抱持的人生观。

    The following year , in a commencement speech to students at Stanford University , he said that receiving a diagnosis that he might die had reinforced a personal philosophy that had been with him since the age of 17 .

  16. 科学与人生观论战的再思考

    The Reflection on the Argument between Science and Outlook on Life

  17. 你积极的人生观和热情的个性将吸引很多人的仰慕。

    Your positive outlook and ebullient personality will attract many admirers .

  18. 那些长发嬉皮士的人生观倾向于虚无主义。

    The philosophy of those long - hairs leans towards nihilism .

  19. 人的社会性本质与科学的人生观

    Social Nature of Human Beings and Scientific View of Life

  20. 我和你的人生观,有着本质的不同。

    There are fundamental differences between your outlook on life and mine .

  21. 你的人生观塑造你的人生。

    The way you see your life shapes your life .

  22. 彭彭、满和哈利:它是我们无忧无虑的人生观!

    Pumbaa Timon Harry : It 's our problem-free philosophy !

  23. 我无法用一句话来概括他的全部人生观。

    I can 't sum up his whole philosophy in one sentence .

  24. 在这篇文章中,作者表达了他的人生观。

    This artical reflected the author 's opinions about life .

  25. 科学人生观、价值观教育;

    SCIENCE ( 3 ) education about scientific philosophy and concept of value ;

  26. 加强新时期大学生的人生观教育

    Strengthening College Students ' Instructions of Outlook on Life in the New Period

  27. 有助于学生树立正确的人生观和价值观;

    Helping students build correct life outlook and values ;

  28. 培养积极的人生观任何时候都不算晚。

    We 're never too old to develop a positive outlook on life .

  29. 其人生观和文学创作受到佛教的深刻影响;

    His philosophy of life and literary production were deeply influenced by Buddhism ;

  30. 完全不健全的人生观我不完全同意你的观点。

    A thoroughly insalutary outlook on life I don 't entirely agree with you .