
rén shēn yì wài shānɡ hài bǎo xiǎn
  • personal accident insurance
  1. 农户借贷者+人身意外伤害保险产品博弈分析

    Peasant Household Lending Money + Person Accident Insurance

  2. 商业保险公司的人身意外伤害保险则以营利为保险目的。

    The person accident injury insurance of commercial insurance company is insurance purpose with seeking profits .

  3. 人身意外伤害保险的保障项目有四项:其一,死亡给付。

    The safeguard project of person accident injury insurance has 4 : One of , die to pay .

  4. 从近几届奥运会来看,奥运会涉及的保险险种将主要涉及赛事注销和停办保险、人身意外伤害保险、财产损失保险等几个方面。

    In recent Olympic games , Olympic insurance mainly focus on games logout insurance , accident insurance and property insurance .

  5. 商业性人身意外伤害保险的实施对象是符合保险合同规定条件的任何人。

    The executive object of injury insurance of commerciality person accident is the anybody that accords with insurance contract rated condition .

  6. 可见,工伤保险是一种政府行为,而人身意外伤害保险是一种商业行为。

    Visible , inductrial injury insurance is action of a kind of government , and person accident injury insurance is act of a kind of trade .

  7. 商业性人身意外伤害保险的基金来源是投保人根据保险合同的有关条款规定而缴纳的保险费。

    The fund origin of injury insurance of commerciality person accident is policy-holder the insurance premium of according to the concerned provision provision of insurance contract pay .

  8. 与工伤事故有关的商业保险主要是雇主责任保险和人身意外伤害保险,发生工伤事故后根据保单的规定理赔。

    Two main commercial insurance concerned with industrial accident injury are liability insurance of employer and the insurance of personally accidental injury . Victims who suffer industrial accident are able to claim compensation on the basis of insurance policy .

  9. 所以在公共场因上述原因所受伤的,受害只要能证实自己没有过错的,投保了人身意外伤害保险的被保险人可以得到赔偿。

    Get hurt because of afore-mentioned reason place in communal field so , fall victim wants to be able to prove he does not have fault only , the insurant that drops the injury insurance outside keeping person idea can get compensatory .

  10. 不同职业、各类险种的人身意外险伤害保险的保险金额逐年提高,尤其是2011年国家颁布实施新工伤保险条例之后,加速推动了人身意外险保险金额的增长速度。

    Different careers , all kinds of personal accident insurance of insurance amount increased year by year . Especially New industrial injury insurance regulations were promulgated and implemented in 2011 , accelerating the personal accident insurance amount .

  11. 医疗保险负责被保险人在保险期限内,因发生人身意外伤害保险责任范围内的意外事故所需费用,但每次事故的免赔额为5元。

    Medical treatment is sure to be in charge of insurant be inside insurance time limit , because produce the contingency place inside extent of liability of person accident injury insurance to require cost , but every time the franchise of the accident is5 yuan .