
  1. 论人力资源管理学的兴起和演进

    The Rise and Evolution of Science of Human Resource Management

  2. 英国朴茨茅夫大学-会计学,工商管理学,人力资源管理学,市场学。

    University of Portsmouth-Accountancy Studies , Business Administration , Human Resource Management , Marketing .

  3. 人力资源管理学中的人性问题

    The Issue of Human Nature in Human Resource Management

  4. 其次,本文探讨了人力资源管理学的学科内容和学科体系。

    Secondly , this paper discusses the contents and the structure of this discipline .

  5. 它是人力资源管理学和会计学相互渗透形成的新型会计理论。

    It is a new type of accounting theory with the integration of HR management and accounting .

  6. 实际上,从现代人力资源管理学的角度来说,残疾人群体同样是社会上宝贵的人力资源。

    In fact , from the modern human resources management point of view , the disabled is also socially valuable human resources .

  7. 该理论体系是近几年来心理学、人力资源管理学等学科领域研究的热点问题之一。

    The theoretical system is 30 years of psychology , human resource management disciplines , such as one of the hot research field .

  8. 在布法罗纽约州立大学,他分别得到语言学硕士学位,以及组织行为学和人力资源管理学的博士学位。

    He received his Master in linguistics and PhD in organization behavior and HR management from the State University of New York at Buffalo .

  9. 主修人力资源管理学、传播学、数码图象传播学,以及公关及广告学的毕业生均全部全职就业。

    Graduates in Human Resources Management , Applied Communication Studies , Digital Graphic Communication , and Public Relations and Advertising enjoyed a100 percent full-time employment rate .

  10. 研究表明,人力资源管理学中的人性包括经济人、社会人、自觉人、复杂人、效用人等。

    It is shown by study that human natures consist of economic man , social man , conscious man , complicated man , utility man and so on .

  11. 而后,论述了社会需求是人力资源管理学演进的强大动力,并对人力资源管理文献分布情况进行了统计分析。

    After that , this paper discusses that some kinds of the society requirements are the strong evolution motivity of science of human resource management , and analyses the literature distributions of this discipline .

  12. 本文从公共人力资源管理学视角,结合人力资源管理学、管理心理学、组织行为学理论对普通公务员的激励模式问题进行了研究。

    From the visual angle of public human resource management , this text combines human resource management , management psychology , organizational behavior theory to research the motivating model problems of common civil servants .

  13. 第二章介绍了人力资源管理学的需要层次理论、期望理论、积极心理学理论和精神薪酬理念等基本理论,这是本文展开研究的理论基础。

    It also introduces basic theories on hierarchy of needs theory , expectancy theory , positive psychology and Spiritual salary theory on human resource management . This is the theoretical foundation of the whole thesis .

  14. 本文以健康教育学、公共管理学和人力资源管理学作为理论依据,综合运用三个学科的相关知识和分析方法,解决健康教育队伍能力建设中的实际问题。

    Based on public management , human resources management and health education as the theoretical basis , so that the integrated use of them and correlative analyzing means to solve health education team ability construction problem . 3 .

  15. 运用项目管理学、人力资源管理学、组织行为学、知识管理学等学科理论对全面薪酬体系建设的适用性进行了详尽的分析,最后系统地揭示了全面薪酬与传统薪酬的差异。

    The use of project management , human resource management , organizational behavior , knowledge management theory applicable to building a comprehensive compensation system were analyzed in detail , finally reveals the difference of total compensation and traditional compensation .

  16. 应用人力资源管理学中有关薪酬理论的一般原理,采用理论与实践相结合的方法,对德州经济开发区薪酬模式的选择和薪酬制度体系进行了初步的研究和探讨。

    This paper around the theme , using the principle of human resource management about remuneration theory . Adopting the method of theory and practice involved . Around remuneration design principle , selection of remuneration mode and carry out the preliminary study and discuss to remuneration system design .

  17. 本文以A医院员工激励为例,运用组织行为学和人力资源管理学等有关理论,对医院的员工工作激励因素进行了调查,主要采用了访谈和调查问卷的方式进行。

    This paper takes the motivation of the staff in Hospital A for an example , with science of organizational power , human resources management and other theories , making an investigation on the motivation reasons for the staff and mainly adopting the ways of interview and questionnaire .

  18. 但天普大学(TempleUniversity)福克斯商学院(FoxSchoolofBusiness)人力资源和管理学教授In-SueOh表示,打动一位招聘官的东西有可能会惹恼另一位招聘官。

    But what impresses one hiring manager may annoy another , said In-Sue Oh , a professor of human resources and management at Temple University 's Fox School of Business .

  19. 管理者胜任力研究是近年来管理学、人力资源管理、教育学等学科领域研究的热点问题之一。

    Competence study for human resource management is popular in recent years .

  20. 山西经济管理干部学院人力资源管理专业产学结合的探索

    The Exploration of Practice Going Hand in Hand with Theory of Human Resources Management in Shanxi Institute of Economic Management

  21. 以不确定性为特征的竞争环境向现代企业提出了新的挑战,人力资源管理作为管理学的一个分支,在企业管理活动中的地位越来越重要。

    Did not propose take the determinism as the characteristic competition environment to the modern enterprise the new challenge , the human resources management took a management study branch , is more and more important in the business management activity status .

  22. 摘要人与组织匹配是人力资源管理与组织行为学研究的热点问题。

    Person-organization fit is a hot problem in the study on human resources management and organizational behavior .

  23. 员工流失是人力资源管理、组织行为学、心理学领域在呼叫中心行业近年研究的热点。

    Turnover of human resources management , organizational behavior , psychology in the call center industry in recent years of research .

  24. 最近几年来,关于心理契约及其破裂的研究已经成为人力资源管理和组织行为学中的一个重要课题。

    Psychological contract , therefore , is one of the important research topics in the fields of human resource management and organizational behavior .

  25. 组织支持感和组织承诺是人力资源管理、组织行为学领域的重要概念。

    Perceived Organizational Support ( POS ) and Organizational Commitment are the important concept in the study of human resource management and organizational behavior .

  26. 绩效是管理学重要组成部分,更是人力资源管理及组织行为学研究及实践的热点和难点。

    The performance is an important part of management , and researchers focus on its theory and practice in the area of human resources management and organizational behavior .

  27. 进入21世纪,构建学习型组织和追求以结果为中心的人力资源培训效果成为管理学界的两大新亮点。

    While entering the 21st century , two new shinning points in the area of science of management emerges , setting up learning organizations and seeking for result-centered effect in training human resource .

  28. 由于灰色系统理论的俭省性和有效性,在人力资源管理及组织行为学领域有非常广阔的运用前景,对此予以了展望并为后续研究提供了建议。

    And because of the frugality and efficiency of grey system methods , they could be widely used in the field of human resource management and organizational behavior research . The prospect of their application as well as proposals for future researches are given in this paper .

  29. 人力资源会计是会计学科发展的一个新领域,是人力资源管理学与会计学相互渗透形成的新型会计理论。

    The human resources accounting is a new field of accounting discipline development , and the new type accounting theory which is formed by the human resources management and accounting permeating each other .

  30. 人力资源会计是在市场经济及高新技术发展的共同作用下,人力资源管理学与会计学相互渗透形成的新型会计理论。

    Human Resource Accounting is a newly-developed accounting theory which is a combination of human resource management and accounting under the joined effect of the market economy and the development of high-tech.