
  1. 从经济效益的角度分析美国堪萨斯市动力照明公司(KCP&L)实现变电站实时在线监测系统的情况,涉及巡查人工费、维修费、设备投资费用、人身事故保险费和停电赔偿费等。

    The benefits by installing real-time monitoring systems in existing substations of Kansas City Power & Light , US are described .

  2. 但是由于人身保险的保险费带有储蓄因素,投保人长期支付保险费基础上积累起来的现金价值应当归属于其他享有权利的受益人。

    But the insurance premium that is sure as a result of person contains deposit element , policy-holder pays insurance premium for a long time the cost of money that rise is gathered on the foundation ought to vest in is other the beneficiary beneficiary that enjoys the right .

  3. 因此,保险人不能强制投保人履行支付保险费的义务,即保险人对人身保险的保险费,不得以诉讼方式要求投保人支付。

    Accordingly , the underwriter cannot enforce policy-holder fulfils the obligation that pays insurance premium , namely the underwriter 's safe to person insurance premium , must not ask with litigant fashion policy-holder pays .