
  • 网络personality interests
  1. 这次立法的突破是对特定纪念物品中的人格利益保护。

    The breakthrough of this judicial interpretation is the protection of personality interests of particular commemorative items .

  2. 基因公开权具有财产性,公开只是基因人格利益的物化之利用。

    Right of genetic publicity possesses the property attribute , where publicity merely takes advantage of the materialization of genetic personality interests .

  3. 具有人格利益的财产及损害赔偿问题的研究

    The Study of Personal Property and the Compensation for Damage

  4. 隐私权是最高层次的人格利益。

    Network privacy right is the personality interest of the highest level .

  5. 人身性法益主要指一般人格利益。

    The personal legal interest means mainly general personal interest .

  6. 论人格利益中物质利益的新发展

    The New Development of Material Benefit in Personality Interest

  7. 论死者人格利益的保护

    On Protection to Personal Rights of the Dead

  8. 精神损害赔偿是保护民事主体人格利益的重要制度。

    Compensation for moral damage is to protect the personal interests of the civil subject system .

  9. 人身损害行为带来的损害赔偿责任分为人格利益补偿与财产性利益的补偿。

    The damage compensation caused by personal injury behavior includes the compensation of personal interests and property interests .

  10. 劳动能力本质上属于健康权人格利益,不是独立的人格权。

    Being not independent personal right , labor capacity essentially belongs to the personal benefits of health right .

  11. 从人格利益到人格要素&人格权法律关系客体之界定

    From Personality Interest to the Element of Personality & Definition to the objects of the personality right legal relationship

  12. 笔者认为尸体为物,是一种特殊物,是负有近亲属人格利益的特殊物。

    I agree that the dead body is special thing which embodies the profit of personality of the relatives .

  13. 姓名是区分社会主体的主要标志,是公民人格利益的代表。

    Name serves as the primary symbol to distinguish social subject , and also represents personal interest of citizen .

  14. 是人的最高的人格利益,具有至高无上的人格价值,是人的第一尊严。

    Life is considered as the highest interest of personality , the highest value of personality and the first dignity .

  15. 笔者在忠实该类财产性质的基础上,啰嗦地称为具有人格利益的财产。

    The author would like call it " Personal Property ", when we have a loyalty to the character of this property .

  16. 隐私权作为人格利益的组成部分,在现代社会中扮演着重要角色和重要作用。

    Privacy as part of personal interest , of course , in modern society plays an important role and an important role .

  17. 个人信息体现的是自然人的一般人格利益,以及因其可利用性而带来的经济价值。

    Personal information embodies the general personality interests of natural person , as well as the economic value brought about by its availability .

  18. 美国法和德国法均经历长达一个世纪的发展,分别建构多元或一元的人格利益保护机制。

    American and German have gone through a century of development , were constructed or a dollar multiple interests of protection of personality .

  19. 损害赔偿范围包括机会利益的损失,反差利益的损失、人格利益的损失以及对不当出生的残疾儿的抚养费。

    The compensation should cover loss of opportunity , loss of contrast benefit , loss of personality benefit and fees for bringing-up the wrongfully born .

  20. 人格利益精神损害赔偿制度的不完整也造成民事主体精神损害得不到赔偿。

    The civil subject cannot get the complete compensation by different standards , the civil subject also cannot get the moral damage compensation by the incomplete system .

  21. 死者人格利益保护理论的反思与重构&基于法的规范功能的分析

    Reflection on and Rebuilding of the Theory on Protecting the Human Dignity Interest of the Deceased Person & Based on the Analysis of Normative Function of Law

  22. 通过分析个人信息的特征,得出个人信息的人格利益应当属于一般人格权范畴的结果。

    This part will analyze attribute of rights of personal information , and concluded that the results of the personal information belong to the category of personality right .

  23. 为了全面有效的维护死者人格利益,笔者主张通过直接保护与间接保护两种路径的结合,以期达到全面保护的目的。

    In order to protect the deceased personality interests comprehensively and effectively , I argue combine of two protection paths , in order to achieve comprehensive protection purposes .

  24. 思想表达路径虽然多种多样,但侵权的表现形式基本相似,侵害的客体都为非物质性人格利益。

    Although the way of idea expression is varied , expression of content infringement is basically same , that is , the objects of infringement are non-material personal interests .

  25. 隐私权是伴随着人类文明的进程产生发展并确立的,其产生之初主要是作为一种是民事法律上的人格利益而存在的。

    Privacy , accompanied by the progress of human civilization and established , produced its beginning primarily as a kind of personality interests and existed in the civil legal .

  26. 因为对死者生前的人格利益和死者的尸体、骨灰等进行侵害会对死者的近亲属造成精神上的极大痛苦。

    Because the interests and personality of the deceased bodies of the dead , ashes , etc. against a near relative of the deceased would have caused great mental pain .

  27. 人类基因本质上是一种人格利益,通过法解释的路径能够在私法上生成基因权概念。

    Human gene , in essence , is one of personality interests , and may establish the conception of genetic right in civil law via the way of legal hermeneutics .

  28. 所谓法律程序权利是指公民为实现和保护其正当的财产和人格利益而享有的,由国家法律所设定的公民正当的行为自由的路径选择。

    The so-called legal procedural right means citizen can take the due freedom setted by national law in behavior for carrying out and protecting his due property and personal right .

  29. 然而,在死者人格利益保护研究中,请求权行使的主体、保护的对象等问题还未明确,有必要进一步讨论。

    However , during the protection of personal interest , the subject of right of application and the protection object are not clear , it is necessary to have further discussion .

  30. 网络经济的发展,使人们的行为突破了现实世界的局限,将人格利益延伸到了网络世界这一虚拟的世界。

    With the development of network economy , the behaviors of people broke through the limitations of the real world , and make the personal interests extend to the virtual world .