
  1. 人类学影视片是人类学家观察和思考人类社会的有效方法。

    The anthropological film is the effective way for anthropologists to observe and reflect on human society .

  2. 作为文化解释的人类学影视片&人类学影视片发展走向探析

    Anthropological Films from the Perspective of Cultural Interpretation & An Analysis of the Developing Trend of Anthropological Films

  3. 在今后的发展过程中,人类学影视片除了发挥对文化进行记录的传统优越性以外,还可以其独特的影视表达方法和视角,对人类文化进行深入的解释。

    In the future developing process , besides the traditional superiority of recording cultures , the anthropological film may make deep interpretation of human cultures from the unique visual perspective .

  4. 本文分别从干骺融合时间和肱骨骨髓腔变化两方面对法医人类学在肱骨X光片推断年龄方面的相关研究进展作一概略的介绍。

    The paper introduces related research on judging age by X-ray picture of forensic anthropology from fusion time of stem epiphyseal and the change of humerus marrow cavity respectively .