
rén xínɡ jī qì rén
  • Humanoid robot;android;anthropomorphic robot
  1. 类Lyapunov理论在类人形机器人任务空间内跟踪的应用

    Application of Lyapunov-like methodology for a humanoid robot tracking in task space

  2. 基于NN的人形机器人自适应H∞位置跟踪控制

    Neural-network-based adaptive H_ ∞ position tracking control for a humanoid robot based on neural network

  3. 日本软银公司周三表示,将在东京开设以人形机器人Pepper为员工的手机店,在一周时间里限期营业。

    SoftBank Corp. said Wednesday its Pepper humanoid robots will staff a cellphone store in Tokyo for a week this spring .

  4. 而后借助STEP函数对其个关节赋予已计算出的转角插值,通过仿真实验表明,人形机器人步行运动是稳定和可行的,为人形机器人进一步的步态规划研究提供了支持。

    Next , use step function to give the corner to the calculated interpolation . Simulation experiments show that humanoid robots walk movement is stable and feasible , for the humanoid robot further gait planning study to lay the foundation .

  5. 之前,美国国防部先进研究项目局在Atlas机器人(Atlas是谷歌旗下波士顿动力公司研发的人形机器人)和生物识别技术方面已取得成功,这令科学家们对皮质调制解调器项目的前景充满希望。

    DARPA has had success with the Atlas robot and biometric tracking technology in the past , which leaves scientists hopeful for the cortical modem project in the future .

  6. 一年前,孙正义向世界介绍了1.2米高的人形机器人Pepper。该机器人靠轮子移动,看起来就像是胸前挂着iPad。

    A year ago , Mr Son introduced the world to the androgynous 1.2 metre tall machine called Pepper , which moves on wheels and looks as if it is wearing an iPad as a pendant .

  7. 本课题针对863计划仿人形机器人技术与系统项目中的六自由度机械臂,提出了基于RS-485总线的分布式控制器的解决方案。

    In this paper , a scheme of distributed controllers based on RS-485 bus is proposed to design the control system of the 6 degree-of-freedom manipulator in the National 863 Project of the Humanoid Robots Technique and System .

  8. 这款人形机器人看上去有点像迷你版的“米其林先生”(MichelinMan),在6月6号由日本电信巨头软银公司(Softbank)和法国机器人厂商阿德巴兰(Aldebaran)联合在东京商场向参观者揭开神秘面纱。

    The humanoid robot -- which looks slightly like a shrunken Michelin Man -- was unveiled to curious onlookers in Tokyo stores on Friday by SoftBank , a Japanese telecom giant and Aldebaran , a French robotics company .

  9. 对于人形机器人来说,过去的几个月真的有点艰难。

    It 's been a rough few months for humanoid robots .

  10. 现有的国内外的人形机器人大部分都是基于串联机构。

    And most existing humanoid robots are based on serial mechanism .

  11. 仿人形机器人机构设计

    CHORDOMA OF HEAD AND NECK The Mechanic Design of the Humanoid Robot

  12. 仿人形机器人两眼的运动模型和控制方法研究

    Research on Binocular Motion Model and Its Control Method for Humanoid Robot

  13. 一种基于计算机网格的仿人形机器人控制系统的设计

    Design of a System for Humanoid Robot Control Based on Computer Grid

  14. 人形机器人已由科幻小说变成现实。

    The science fiction fantasy of human-like robots is already coming true .

  15. 日本人很喜欢人形机器人。

    The Japanese are delighted by robots that look human .

  16. 小型双足人形机器人机构设计与步态规划

    Design and Gait Planning of Miniaturization Biped Humanoid Robot

  17. 该控制方法已通过仿人形机器人的遥操作控制实验得到了验证。

    The control method has already verified by humanoid robot teleoperation control experiment .

  18. 对人形机器人腿部机构进行简化并建立数学模型。

    Then , simplify the humanoid robot legs institutions and establish the mathematical model .

  19. 研究一种正交轮式移动车为载体的类人形机器人的建模与控制问题。

    Dynamic modeling and analysis of the spherical robot based on Euler angles description ;

  20. 为人形机器人设计提供理论依据和新型的结构。

    It provided the foundation of theory and novel mechanism for design of humanoid robot .

  21. 仿人形机器人火炬传递中的高精度目标特征提取

    Study on High Accurate Feature Extraction in the Process of Transferring Touch with Humanoid Robots

  22. 但现在看起来,国际空间站可能是个适合人形机器人前往的完美去处。

    But the International Space Station may be the perfect place for a humanoid robot .

  23. 不会有任何人形机器人驾驶你的爱车。

    A human shaped robot will not be stepping into your car to drive it .

  24. 汉生科技总部坐落香港,称其人形机器人表现力、审美、互动能力都很厉害。

    Hong Kong-based Hanson says its human-like robots have remarkable expressiveness , aesthetics , and interactivity .

  25. 再次,本文的另一个重点就是给小型化人形机器人行走提供一个控制系统的硬件平台和软件环境。

    Another key point of this paper is to provide hardware and software for the control system .

  26. 人形机器人步态的平滑切换基于不变矩的实时人形识别研究

    Smooth Gait Transition for Humanoid Robots Real-time Human 's Shape Monitoring & Recognition System Using Moment Invariants

  27. 日前,丰田公司推出了一款比专业篮球运动员更擅长投篮的人形机器人。

    A humanoid robot that shoots hoops better than professional basketball players has been unveiled by Toyota .

  28. 仿真实验结果表明提出的仿人形机器人两眼的运动模型和控制方法是有效的。

    The simulation results confirm the effectiveness of the present binocular motion model and its control method .

  29. 对于仿人形机器人头部的控制,使用伺服电机和多轴控制卡的控制方法。

    Servo motor and multi-axis control card are adopted for the control of the head of humanoid robot .

  30. 类人形机器人是一个热门的研究领域,它体现出了一个国家的技术水平。

    Humanoid robot is always a hot research field , it presents the technology level of a country .