
  1. 两国希望面向所有国际合作开放国际月球科研站,加强科学研究交流,推进全人类和平探索利用太空。

    Both nations want to open the station to international cooperation so it can serve as a platform to boost scientific exchanges and foster peaceful exploration and development of outer space .

  2. 惯性约束核聚变(Inertialconfinementfusion,ICF)是当前核聚变研究的主要方向之一,对人类和平利用热核能意义重大。

    Inertial confinement fusion ( ICF ) is the main direction of nuclear fusion research which is significant in peaceful use of nuclear energy for human .

  3. 是对人类和平事业的重大贡献。

    These are great Contribution for the human and the peace cause !

  4. 要与所有人类和平相处。

    Thou shalt live in peace with thy fellow man .

  5. 十一、继续促进人类和平与发展的崇高事业

    Continuing to Promote the Noble Cause of Peace and Development of Mankind

  6. 危害人类和平及安全治罪法

    Code of Offences against the Peace and Security of Mankind

  7. 人类和平与理想主义。

    Mankind peace and the idealistic .

  8. 人类和平与发展的事业是崇高的事业,也是充满挑战的事业。

    The cause of peace and development of mankind is as lofty as its is challenging .

  9. 推进人类和平与发展的崇高事业依然任重而道远。

    The noble cause of peace and development remains a long and arduous journey for mankind .

  10. 让我们为促进人类和平与发展的崇高事业而共同努力!

    Let us make a joint effort for the noble cause of advancing peace and human progress !

  11. 这一伟大胜利,将永载中华民族史册,永载人类和平史册!——

    The great victory will go down in history of the Chinese nation and the peace of mankind !

  12. 世界民族宗教问题热点是影响人类和平进程的主要威胁。

    The hot problem of nationalities and religions is the main threat to affect the peaceful development of mankind .

  13. 继续推进人类和平与发展的崇高事业,需要世界各国人民加强合作。

    To further advance mankind 's noble cause of peace and development requires greater cooperation among people of all countries .

  14. 近年来,宗教问题与恐怖主义经常纠缠在一起,构成对人类和平与安全的严重威胁。

    These years , religious problems often connect with terrorism , which becomes a serious threaten to human peace and security .

  15. 换言之,中国的和合思想可以为21世纪的人类和平提供宝贵的思想资源。

    In other words , China 's idea of harmony is a priceless resource of humankind 's peace in the 21st century .

  16. 首先悼念联合国为人类和平而牺牲和英烈们,向他(她)们致敬!

    First mourns the United Nations to sacrifice and the heroic deeds for the human peace ,( she ) salutes to him !

  17. 他希望大家加强交流合作、共同努力为人类和平利用南极作出新的更大贡献。

    He hoped they can increase exchanges and cooperation in order to make new contributions to humanity 's peaceful use of the land .

  18. 他把本是为荷兰利益辩护的自然法,变成为和解差异、宽容相待的人类和平而努力的自然法。

    He turned the Law of Nature which defended the interest of the Netherlands into the peace for human by comprehending and tolerating each other .

  19. 奥林匹克圣火是奥林匹克精神的最高象征,奥林匹克火炬接力是全人类和平友谊的庆典。

    Olympic Torch is the highest symbolization of Olympic spirit and the Olympic Torch Relay is the celebration of peace and friendship of all human beings .

  20. 我们将坚持不懈为人类和平与发展的崇高事业作出自己的努力,争取对人类作出新的更大的贡献。

    We will make unremitting efforts for the noble cause of peace and development of mankind and strive to make new and greater contributions to mankind .

  21. 为了同一个梦想我们欢聚北京。尽管肤色不同,语言不同,但我们共同分享奥林匹克的魅力与欢乐,共同追求着人类和平的理想。

    For one dream , we congregated in Beijing , despite of complexion diversity , language are different , but we share Olympic charm and joy .

  22. 时至今天,“和而不同”对促进祖国和平统一、实现人与自然和谐、推动21世纪人类和平与发展仍具有重要的理论启示和借鉴价值。

    It is of important theoretical value and referential for us to expedite the peace and development of mankind all over the world in the 21st century .

  23. 20世纪九十年代以来,在城乡市场化改革加速的条件下,在中国形成了人类和平历史上最大规模的人口迁移和劳动力流动现象。

    Acceleration of market-oriented reform of rural and urban areas since 1990s leads to the largest migration of population and labor flows in China during the peaceful times .

  24. 你们背后有强大的国家机器,而我只有一只玩具枪和艺术应该为人类和平发展做贡献的信念。

    S.government , you have a strong state apparatus behind it , but I have only a toy gun and the belief that arts should contribute to world peace .

  25. 我们衷心希望各国人民自在、平等、和谐、幸福地生活在同一个蓝天之下,共享人类和平与开展得果实。

    And we sincerely hope that people of all nations can live a peaceful life of freedom , equality , harmony , and happiness under the same blue sky .

  26. 坚决维护国家的主权和安全,坚决主持公正,不怕压,为促进人类和平与发展的崇高事业而努力。

    China will firmly maintain the state sovereignty and security , stand for justice , fear no pressure and strive to promote the lofty cause of peace and development of humanity .

  27. 中国将坚持以维护世界和平为宗旨,为推进人类和平事业发挥更积极作用,这是中国外交应有的担当。

    Our diplomacy will continue to serve world peace and play a more active role in promoting peace for the humanity . We regard this as a due responsibility of Chinas diplomacy .

  28. 很多日本科学家成为卡通人物的仰慕者,例如铁臂阿童木(又称原子小金刚)是一个维持人类和平的机器人。

    Many Japanese scientists grew up as admirers of the cartoon characters such as Mighty Atom ( also known as Astro Boy ), a robot that keeps the peace among human beings .

  29. 中国和平发展战略的内生性决定了中国必将走出一条和平发展的新道路,为人类和平与发展事业增添极其重要的积极因素。

    The inner characteristics of China 's peacefully rising strategy determine that we will initiate a peacefully rising road , and add very important factor to human being 's peace and development .

  30. 恐怖活动由来已久,其产生有历史根源和现实条件。恐怖主义已经成为21世纪对人类和平与发展的主要威胁,对国际政治和国际关系也产生了重大影响。

    The terrorist activity is long-standing , terrorism has already become the main threat to the human peace and development in 21st century , great influence produced to international politics and international relations .