
  1. 在第二章,本文指出:人的对象化活动是能动性与受动性的辨证统一体。

    The chapter 2 points out that human 's activity of objectification is a unity of activity and suffering .

  2. 生命最高的审美原则就是存在本身,而既非作为人类内在性的道德主体结构,也非与此相对而生的外在的人的对象化力量。

    The highest aesthetical principle in life is the survival itself rather than man 's inner moralist structure or man 's outer objective force .

  3. 最后,在关于物的人格化及人的对象化原理的基础上,阐释了经济与伦理张力的辩证特征。

    And Finally , the dialectical characteristic of the tension between economy and ethic is explained on the basis of the principle of personification of matter and objectivization of human .

  4. 艺术创作与宗教活动、人类劳动一样,是人的本质对象化的重要途径。

    Artistic creation is an important approach of the projection of human essence .

  5. 所以,价值的本质是人本质的对象化,在教育技术学领域强化人文思想的渗透,其核心就是强调人的价值实现这个根本问题。

    Therefore , the core is to realize human value in the enforcement the influence of humanity and arts in educational technology .

  6. 人的本质力量对象化是一个意义丰富的命题。

    People 's essential strength target is a proposition with abundant meaning .

  7. 文章美是人的本质力量对象化的体现

    The Beauty of Article is the Embodiment of People 's Essential Strength Target

  8. 神的世界即天国是人的世界的对象化;

    The world of god namely Paradise is the projection of the world ;

  9. 略论编辑把关历史与注释&对马克思人的本质的对象化活动之文化价值解读引发的思考

    On Editing Check History and annotation

  10. 因此,美,就是节奏与人的本质力量对象化的和谐统一。

    So beauty is the harmonious unity between rhythm and objectification of man 's essential power .

  11. 马克思关于两个尺度统一的思想,揭示了基于实践的人的本质力量对象化的辩证发展历程,其中,既指明了人与自然的联系,即人的生存与发展离不开自然界;

    Marx 's idea about the unity of two measures exposes the dialectical development of human power based on practice .

  12. 马克思所谓人的本质的对象化,此本质在这里便是自觉的生命意义。

    Nature included in " objectization of human nature " said by Marx represents the meaning of a conscious life .

  13. 论人的本质力量对象化中的美学意涵&读《1844年经济学哲学手稿》有感

    A Brief Study on the Esthetics Meaning of Object Activities of Man 's Essence Power & Reflections of Economic and Philosophical Manuscripts of 1844

  14. 另外,自然美和劳动的关系问题、异化劳动和美的创造的问题,只有放在对人的本质力量对象化的正确理解上才能解决。

    In addition , and beautiful creation that natural beauty and relation question , alienation of working work , put on essential strength correct understanding of target in people solving only .

  15. 文章美是文章作者按照美的规律的能动建造、美的理想自觉追求、美的标准的积极实践,也就是人的本质力量对象化的体现。

    It is built according to the function of the beautiful law by the author , the beautiful ideal conscientious pursuit as well as the beautiful standard positive practice , which is just the embodiment of people 's essential strength target .

  16. 艺术也是人的本质力量对象化,所以它的本质和美是一致的,美的规律也就是艺术的规律。

    Since art is also the objectification of human 's essential capability , its essence is the same as that of beauty . Consequently , we may get the conclusion , " the rule of beauty " equals to " the rule of art " .

  17. 一切物的价值之源均在于人的本质力量的对象化。

    The value of everything derives from objectification of man 's power .

  18. 对当代语境中美是人的本质力量的对象化的质疑

    Challenging " Beauty is the Objectization of the Strength of Human Nature " in Contemporary Context

  19. 劳动是人的本质力量的对象化,而人的本质力量是人的创造能力的总和。

    Labor is the objective procedure of man 's essential powers , which are the total of man 's creativity .

  20. 创造是人的本质力量的对象化活动,人的本质力量来源于人的自由意志,人的对象化活动充满思维与行动的旋律。

    Creation is the objectificational activity of human 's essence , which comes from human 's free will and brims with thoughts and actions .

  21. 美就根源于人化自然过程人的本质力量的对象化,它是人以直观的方式对其本质的把握。

    It is also a process of nature humanization and human naturalization . Beauty origins from the Objection of the Strength of Human Nature which human beings understand in a direct method .

  22. 实践美学以马克思主义实践哲学为基础,把实践作为联系人和自然的纽带,把美的本质归结为人的本质力量的对象化,美即是人在对象上面的自我观照。

    Practice aesthetics is based on Marxism practice philosophy . It regards practice as the link between human and nature , and the essence of beauty is boiled down to human 's essence power to be object .

  23. 文化是人类的生存活动和实践方式对象化的结果,是人的本质力量的对象化,其存在模式和发展变化也正体现着人的本质力量的对象化。

    As the result of the objectification of existence activities and practice mode of human beings , culture is the objectification of the power of human nature and meanwhile reflects it in terms of mode of existence and development .

  24. 发展美是指在社会发展过程中特别是在社会发展结果上所存在的美,它是发展实践的创造,是人的发展力量的对象化或现实化。

    Developing beauty refers to such that exists in the course of the social development and especially in the results of the social development . It is the creation of developing practice and the objectization or actualization of human 's developing power .

  25. 文明模式是人的存在方式,是人的本质力量对象化的现象形态。

    Civilized mode is man 's existing way and the outward appearance of the objectifying of man 's essential force .

  26. 文艺究其本质是创作者的价值观念、审美观念的体现,是人对美的追求和人本质力量的审美对象化,美与善在价值评判中往往是统一的。

    Art research by its very nature is the creator of values , aesthetic manifestation of the pursuit of " beauty " and the human nature of the power of aesthetic objects ," Beauty " and " good " value judgments tend-to be unified .

  27. 计算机网络是人类身体器官的延伸,是人的本质的发展,也是人的本质力量的对象化。

    The computer network is not only a new extension of the human body 's ability but the development of human nature .

  28. 费尔巴哈从人的立场看待宗教,神是人的本质的对象化是其宗教学说最为基本的内容。

    Feuerbach view religion from the standpoint of the human . That god is the projection of human essence is the basic content of his religious theory .

  29. 马克思认为技术是人的创造物,技术的本质不过是人的本质力量的对象化。

    Marx believes that technology is a human creation and the nature of technology is the essence of the power of objectification of human nature .

  30. 实践美学从人的社会实践出发观照美和美感,形成了美是人的本质力量的对象化,美是自由的创造等命题。

    Practical aesthetics form that beauty is the objectization of the essential strength of human beings and beauty is some propositions , such as beauty is the production of freedom .