
  • 网络character design
  1. 他认为,韩剧受欢迎,只是因为剧中不切实际的人物设定满足了女人的幻想而已。

    South Korean TV drama is popular only because it creates unreal characters that satisfy women 's imaginations , he said .

  2. 这些艺术门类贯穿于作品中,从早期的剧本设定,中期创作时的人物设定和后期创作时的美工和配乐等。

    These arts throughout the work , from the early script setting , the characters and setting in his late works of art and music .

  3. 但一旦他真的深入作品,他的表演令人惊讶,在《每个人》中,他将悲观的危机感表现得极为丰富,超越了本来的人物设定。

    When he really digs deep , though , it 's surprising what emotional resources he finds to depict Everymen in sorry crisis , discovering the limits of what they 've been handed .

  4. 用叙事功能理论来分析新漫画所叙述的故事,新漫画的人物设定有着一定的技巧与原则,相同的人物搭配会影响出相似的故事结构。

    The narrative theory is employed to analyze the story of new comic , the characters setting in the comic has its own skill and principle . The similar characters would be influence the same story structure .

  5. 作为漫画作品中第一个反英雄角色,也是美国人民最喜欢的超级英雄之一的蝙蝠侠,他的形象多年来活跃于各种媒体之中,包括电影、游戏、电视剧等,其人物设定和剧情也经历了多次变化。

    Batman is one of America 's most beloved superheroes , and comic book 's first anti-heroes . Over the years he 's been in movies , video games and television and has gone through many changes . While virtually everyone knows something about Batman , there 's a lot that many don 't know .

  6. 人物角色设定应该具备哪些信息。

    What information should be in personas ?

  7. 自我之在&关于米兰·昆德拉小说人物自我设定的思考在下拉选单选择「自我解压档」,并按下图作设定。

    Self s Being & On the " self " in Milan Kundera s Novels ; Choose " Self-extracting archives " from the pull down menu , then make settings referring to the following figure .

  8. 此外,在广告人物的角色设定上,多为诉求消费者价值观念的认同,从而促进消费者的购买行为。

    Besides , the setting of roles in advertisement itself aims at encouraging the purchasing behavior through identification with the values of customers .

  9. 庐隐从对社会人生、女性命运的认识以及自身经历的深刻体验出发,把女性人物的情感设定在愉悦&悲哀的维度上,使小说具有凄美的艺术价值。

    Starting from the knowledge about social life and the fate of women and from her own life experience , Lu Yin sets the affection of the female characters along the joviality bitterness dimension , which makes her novels have mournful but beautiful aesthetic value .

  10. 依据用户分析结果建立人物角色并以此设定重要角色,从而建立以平等交流为前提的交互模型。

    Analysis of the results based on user personas and use it to simulate an important role in the establishment in order to establish the premise of an equal exchange interaction model .