
rén mín zhàn zhēng
  • people's war
人民战争 [rén mín zhàn zhēng]
  • [people's war] 以人民军队为主力,有广大人民群众参加的革命战争

人民战争[rén mín zhàn zhēng]
  1. 普:伟大的人民战争已经进入它最后的阶段。

    Prachanda : The great People 's War has entered its last stage .

  2. 对人民战争思想的现实思考

    THOUGHT A Realistic Reflection on the People 's War

  3. 这是对人民战争公认的看法。

    Such is the classic view of a people 's war .

  4. 坚持和发展人民战争思想。

    Highlights and carries forward the concept of people 's war .

  5. 这一方针坚持和发展人民战争思想。

    This guideline highlights and carries forward the concept of people 's war .

  6. 在西方,人们不大了解什么是人民战争。

    IN THE West , not much is understood about a people 's war .

  7. 安阳县的群众所进行的完全是一场人民战争。

    What was being waged in Anyang County was strictly a people 's war .

  8. 从人民战争思想看大学生军训工作高校军训工作现状及对策探析

    Military Training for College Students from the Point of View of People 's War

  9. 人民战争思想是有着深厚的哲学思想渊源和丰富的实践基础的。

    The people 's war thought is of deep philosophy origin and abundant practice foundation .

  10. 这很奇怪,因为无论美国还是欧洲历史上,并不是完全没有经历过人民战争。

    This is strange because the phenomenon has not been entirely unknown to America or Europe .

  11. 我相信,要不是这些东西受到了威胁,人们是不会进行人民战争的。

    Unless these things are threatened , I do not believe men will start a people 's war ;

  12. 第二次世界大战以后,在亚洲、非洲、拉丁美洲地区,人民战争越来越显示出它的威力。

    Since World War II , people 's war has increasingly demonstrated its power in Asia , Africa and Latin America .

  13. 坚持人民战争思想,发展人民战争的战略战术。

    Meanwhile , it adheres to the people 's war concept and develops the strategies and tactics of the people 's war .

  14. 我们完全有信心、有决心、有能力打赢这场人民战争,向党和人民交出一份合格的答卷!

    We have confidence , determination and capacity in winning this war , and give a qualified answer to our party and people .

  15. 当人民战争用来对付外国侵略时,其残酷性超过一切常规。

    When fought in the midst of a national invasion , such a type of combat violates all the so-called rules of civilized warfare .

  16. 在开展游击战的人民战争中,农民战士又学会了分清谁是自己的敌人,谁是自己的朋友。

    In taking to guerrilla warfare , which depends almost entirely on the people , the peasant also learned to distinguish between friend and foe .

  17. 众所周知瑞丽市开展禁毒防艾人民战争取得一定成效,但艾滋病疫情仍然严重。

    As everyone knows , Ruili , obtained certain result on anti-drug , AIDS prevention and control , but the AIDS epidemic is still serious .

  18. 但是在安阳,在正规军没有给予多少帮助的情况下,人民战争也开展起来了。

    Yet , in Anyang County , the people 's war started with little help from the army and priniarily because conditions of life had become unbearable .

  19. 信息化条件下的人民战争所面临的基本矛盾及特点,是信息时代人民战争思想的客观实际。根据这些客观要素研究和解决现实问题,是信息化条件下坚持和发展人民战争思想的必然途径。

    Basic contradiction and characteristic of the people 's war under the information-based condition are the objective reality of the people 's war thought in information age .

  20. 我们历来的经验,就是用劣势装备打败优势的敌人,因为我们进行的是正义战争,是人民战争。

    Our experience has always shown that we can defeat a superior enemy with inferior equipment , for our wars are just , they are people 's wars .

  21. 在1949年以后,他以描写人民战争和重大历史事件为贯穿性题材,成为了一位实现成功转型的体制内的作者。

    Since 1949 the themes of his films focused on major wars and historical events and he successfully transformed himself into a film artist within the socialist system .

  22. 同样与发动反帝国主义和扩张主义的斗争得革命组织的关系和尼泊尔人民战争一起获得了扩大。

    Similarly relations with revolutionary organisations waging national liberation struggle against imperialism and expansionism are also expanding along with the development of the people ? S war in nepal .

  23. 而且,人民战争总是在人们的家乡一带进行,离人们生活中最亲近和最珍贵的东西很近。

    A people 's war , however , is always waged right around a man 's home and close to what he holds most near and dear in life .

  24. 现在变得越来越清晰的是尼泊尔人民战争在不久的将来在促进世界革命新浪潮中将发挥历史性的作用。

    It is now becoming clear that the Nepalese people ? S war will have a historic role in developing new wave of world revolution in the near future .

  25. 笔者认为人民战争为人民的本质不能变;必须坚持党对军队的绝对领导不能变。

    I believe that the " people war for the people " and " the party for the absolute leadership of the armed forces " can not be changed .

  26. 人民战争思想是关于相信和依靠人民,动员组织和武装人民,完全彻底为人民的利益而进行斗争的基本观点。

    The thought of people 's war is the theory about mobilizing and organizing the people , believing and depending on people , struggling for the people 's interests completely .

  27. 但主要是因为我们的战争是人民战争,全国人民支援,中朝两国人民并肩战斗。

    But we won mainly because ours was a people 's war , the whole nation gave it support and the people of China and Korea fought shoulder to shoulder .

  28. 预备役军官绩效考评与激励对策研究完善国防动员体制,加强民兵和预备役部队建设,发展高技术条件下人民战争的战略战术。

    It is necessary to improve the mobilization system for national defense , strengthen the militia and reserves and develop strategies and tactics of the people 's war under high-tech conditions .

  29. 美国进行这场试验已经有好多年了,现在谁都可以看到,美国侵略者找不到任何办法来对付人民战争。

    It has carried on this experiment for many years , and everybody can now see that the U.S.aggressors are unable to find a way of coping with people 's war .

  30. 中国坚持现代条件下的人民战争思想,实行精干的常备军与强大的国防后备力量相结合。

    China adheres to the concept of people 's war under modern conditions , and exercises the combination of a streamlined standing army with a powerful reserve force for national defense .