
  1. 人民子弟兵的事迹举不胜举。

    The heroic deeds of the people 's soldiers are too numerous to enumerate .

  2. 向我们最可爱的人人民子弟兵致意最崇高的敬礼。

    The most lovely one to us where the most noble salute .

  3. 这表明,人民子弟兵真正是党和国家的钢铁长城。

    This shows that the people 's army is truly a great wall of steel guarding the party and the country .

  4. 冒着余震的危险,我们的人民子弟兵战斗在第一线,他们说:“这是我们应尽的职责。”

    Run the risk of aftershocks , our people 's own army fighting in the first line , they said : " This is our bounden duty . "

  5. 更大的感动,来自于地震现场,灾民的自救互救,志愿者的主动援助,人民子弟兵的英勇奋斗。

    A bigger move , from the earthquake scene , the disaster victims helps oneself to rescue mutually , volunteer 's initiative aid , People 's Liberation Army 's heroic struggle .