
  • 网络mannequin;dress form
  1. net单文档视图模式下调用OpenGL,通过多边形曲面造型方法实现了可用按钮和键盘来控制的参数化人台设计。

    Through the polygon shape method in OpenGL under the platform of simple document interface of VC + + . net , the parameterized mannequin is accomplished by controlling buttons and keyboard .

  2. 基于三维人体测量的参数化人台的研究

    Study of parameterized mannequin based on 3-Dimensional body scanning

  3. 三维人台、服装造型及衣片展开CAD技术的探讨

    3D Body-form and Garment Modeling + Pattern Flattening CAD Techniques for Clothing Industry

  4. 结果生成了反映人体特征的标准系列人台和个性化人台,用于三维服装CAD和服装人台的制作。

    The research result can develop standard series mannequins and customized mannequin for 3D garment CAD and garment mannequin CAM .

  5. 基于Crust算法的虚拟人台重建

    Virtual Mannequin Establishment Based on Crust Algorithm

  6. 基于POSER的三维服装人台模型

    3D Apparel Mannequin Model Based on POSER Technology

  7. 分析了目前的几种人台建模方法的特点,分别利用工程图学软件MATLAB和现有的三维建模软件UG来实现人体的建模,并给出模型效果分析。

    The advantages and shortcomings of several kinds of human modeling method are analyzed before establishing the concrete scheme , Then with use of project graphic study software MATLAB and existing three-dimensional modeling software UG , meanwhile , human body modeling is realized .

  8. 本研究通过用不同的面料制作出不同直上尺寸的领子,并穿着在84A标准人台上对领子进行评价,找出各面料试样所制作的领子所对应的最佳直上尺寸。

    By making turn-over collars which have different vertical rising sizes using different fabric , and estimating the collar on 84A body stand , the research find out which vertical rising size is the most fit size for collar making by every fabric .

  9. 基于三维人体测量上身人台特征部位的提取

    Extraction of the Mannequin Character Parts Based on the Three-dimensional Anthropometry

  10. 人台的立体结构与礼服样板的关系研究晚礼服结构设计探析

    Relationship between Model and Dress Pattern Research on Evening Dress Pattern Design

  11. 好的,先生,中午4人台一张。

    Very good , sir . a table for four at noon .

  12. 我国服装用人台现状分析

    Analysis of current situation for garment mannequin in China

  13. 不,我要一张2人台。

    No , I need a table for two .

  14. 我想订今晚4人台一张。

    I 'd like a table for4 this evening .

  15. 基于逆向工程技术的虚拟个性化人台的制作

    Development of virtual individualized mannequin with reverse engineering

  16. 利用三维人体线框模型的各个曲线可以指导人台厂对人台的设计与制作、校正成品人台的板型。

    The curve of the model may guide the manufacture of mannequins at factory .

  17. 我想问一下您预订的8:30的4人台有什么变化吗?

    You have booked a table for four at8: 30.has there been any change ?

  18. 好啦,这就是我们电视天气人台唯一要的东西。

    Well , those are the only things we look for in a TV weatherperson .

  19. 为了获取底面投影面积,本课题对实验人台进行设计。

    In order to obtain the projected area underside , so experimental mannequin has been designed .

  20. 最后运用三角面片建模技术建立了个性化虚拟人台。

    In the last place , model of individual virtual mannequin is built through tri patch modeling techniques .

  21. 人台作为服装设计与制作过程中不可缺少的重要工具,不断受到服装企业的重视。

    Garment enterprises take more attention on dress form as it is important tool in garment designing and producing .

  22. 调整人台&人台上的各种线条作为立裁用的参考线,必须正确归位,否则会影响服装整体的平衡性。

    They are used as reference points in draping and must be properly aligned to result in well-balanced patterns .

  23. 我国一直缺乏全国性的未成年人人体尺寸数据,也缺乏服装设计用的人台。

    Our country has been in lack of national minors anthropometry data , also lack of mannequin for costume design .

  24. 生成三维虚拟人台之后需要在虚拟人台上进行测量,以获取设计服装所需要的身体尺寸。

    After generating 3D virtual mannequin we need to measure the mannequin to get the body size to design clothing .

  25. 服装纸样的设计规律一般是经过立体到平面、平面到立体的过程,这一过程所使用的重要工具载体就是人台。

    The design regulation of the garment pattern is the process of from plane to solid and from solid to plane .

  26. 但这种斜裁方法是一种通过平面裁剪得到粗略服装板型后需在人台上进行修正的方法。

    But bias cut is a kind of method needing correction on the mannequin after getting a rough clothing pattern through flat pattern making .

  27. 人体和人台补正实验结果表明补正部位和趋势具有一致性。

    The results show that the fitting tests on human body and model form have consistency in the amendatory location and trend . 3 .

  28. 本文介绍一种新颖的个性化三维人体模型参数设计方法:通过对三维扫描散点的人体参数化方法和基于参数化产生的新的模型参数设计方法而得到个性化人台模型。

    In this essay we introduce a new way to build the individuated 3D mannequin : use parametric methods to the scatter and new model .

  29. 本文通过对服装人台以及当前我国人台行业现状的分析,论述标准成衣人台的研制要点及其现实意义。

    This article introduce the mannequins and our country 's mannequin 's situation , and comment that the key point and significance of developing the standard mannequins .

  30. 制作一华东地区25-55岁成年女子中间体下体体型特征的下装人台,并通过尺寸和造型检验验证其准确性和实用性。

    A lower-body mannequin characterized lower-body shape feature of adult-female aged 25 to 55 in east china was fabricated and examined accuracy and practicality for its size and shape .