
  • 网络population sociology;Sociology of Population
  1. 本文用统计、综合分析等的方法,根据人口社会学、历史学的相关理论,通过对北宋中上层妇女的婚姻与生育情况的统计梳理,构建了相关的模式。

    By statistics and comprehensive analysis , this thesis , based on related theories of sociology of population and history , builds related models through statistics of marriage and fertility conditions of upper middle class women in the Northern Song Dynasty .

  2. 作为社会学的重要分支学科,人口社会学具有自己独特的学科优势与魅力。

    Abstract : As an important disciplinary branch of sociology , Sociology of Population has its u-nique disciplinary advantage and charm .

  3. 两组研究对象在人口社会学、血液生化指标、体质指标等方面的差异无统计学意义(P0.05)。

    In term of population Sociology , blood biochemical parameters and physique indicators , there were no significant differences between the two groups ( P0.05 ) .

  4. 其中,由心态、社交状况、生活和工作能力几个因素所代表的生活状态特征对GERD产生的影响多于由年龄、BMI指数、吸烟情况、运动频率所代表的人口社会学特征。

    The mentality , social status , ability to live and work which on behalf of Living status characteristics affected GERD rather than by the age , BMI index , smoking tobacco , frequency of exercise which represented by population characteristics of sociology .

  5. 人口社会学研究国际审查小组

    International Review Group of Social Science Research on Population

  6. 人口社会学人口社会学本文是对城市流动妇女家庭地位的一项探索性研究。

    This article is an exploring research on the family status of floating women in city .

  7. 介绍了人口社会学中的人口迁移理论和经济学中的社会成本理论的基本内容,以及它们在本文的运用。

    Introduce the basic content and application of Geographic migration theory in Demography and Social cost theory in Economics .

  8. 结论:老年精神分裂症患者日常生活能力及痴呆程度与人口社会学特征密切相关。

    CONCLUSION : ADL and dementia degree in elder patients with schizophrenia are closely related to their demographic characters .

  9. 不同人口社会学特征育龄妇女对出生性别比升高的影响强度也不一样,其中对农村中女儿户妇女影响比较大,特别是受教育程度比较低的育龄妇女。

    The effect was stronger upon women in rural areas , particularly upon rural fertile women with a low educational level .

  10. 本研究探讨了临床医家关注的诸因素与乳腺增生病证候的关系,分析提示本病不同证型与一般人口社会学因素、月经、婚育史、既往疾病史、血清性激素有关。

    The results showed that general demographic factors , individual factors , history of past illness and blood-serum sex hormone indexes had close relationship with distribution of syndromes .

  11. 同时,运用独立样本T检验和单因素方差分析等方法,分析资助政策实施在人口社会学特征上的差异。

    At the same time , the author uses methods like independent samples T-test and ANOVA analysis to analyze the funding policy implementation differences in population characteristics of Sociology .

  12. 并在此基础上分析了影响主观幸福感的因素,包括个性因素、人口社会学因素、经济因素、情形性因素、体制因素。

    The thesis analyzes the factors which influence the subjective happiness . The factors include individual factors , population and social factors , economics factors , situational factors and institutional factors .

  13. 依据人口社会学的结构分类以及体质研究的特点,将国民体质监测的研究内容结构为:体质的自然结构分析、体质的地域结构分析、体质的社会经济结构分析3大类;

    According to structure classification theory of population and characteristics of physical fitness research , this paper divides national fitness monitoring content into three categories : natural structural analysis , regional structural analysis , social and economic analysis .

  14. 但是很少有研究充分考虑到太极拳练习者的独特的人口社会学特征,也很少研究涉及太极拳群体中的人际交往,更少有研究指向太极拳锻炼和社区养老的关系。

    But few took enough consideration into demographic and sociological characteristics of exercisers , few research studied relationships in Taijiquan groups , and even less research was focused on the relation between Taijiquan exercise and community support for the old .

  15. 采用《中国成人超重和肥胖预防控制指南》(试行)推荐标准筛选超重、肥胖人群,并分析超重、肥胖在不同性别、年龄等人口社会学因素的分布。

    According to the recommended cut-offs of " Chinese adult overweight and obesity prevention and control guidelines " for determining obesity , and analyze the rate of overweight and obesity according to socio-demographic factors , such as gender and age .

  16. 其中一般情况包括被调查者的人口社会学特征,如单位性质、所在科室、性别、年龄、职称、岗位、学历、工作年限等。

    Part 1 : general state of health consist of the sociological characteristics of respondents , such as units of nature , the knid of department , gender , age , title , position , education , work experience and so on .

  17. 辽宁流动人口犯罪社会学分析及控制对策

    Sociological analysis of the crime of floating population in Liaoning and control measures

  18. 流动人口是社会学、经济学、城市学、人口学等许多传统学科研究的重要问题之一,也是民族法学这一新兴学科关注的重要问题。

    The floating population in urban is one of the important issues in sociology , economics and many other traditional demographics . It is also an important issues of the national law .

  19. 当代中国人口安全的社会学审视

    Contemporary Population Security of China in Sociological Perspective SURVEY TOP

  20. 影响体育人口因素的社会学分析

    The Sociological Analysis of Main Factors Influencing on Sports Population

  21. 农村流动人口的文化社会学研究

    A Cultural Sociological Study of the Rural Mobile Population

  22. 当代中国体育人口结构的社会学分析

    Sociological analysis of contemporary Chinese sports population structures

  23. 乡土秩序的失落&对流动人口犯罪的社会学思考

    The Lost Public Order in the Countryside & Sociological Analysis on the Crime of the Fluid Population

  24. 在理论与方法上,它融合了经济人类学、历史学、地理学、人口统计学、社会学、生态学等多种人文学科和社会科学的理论与方法。

    It absorbs theories and approaches from other social and humane studies like economic anthropology , historiography , geography , demography , sociology and ecology , etc.

  25. 本研究考察异族效应的稳定性和表情类型对面孔识别的影响,综合分析不同测量指标,运用文化人类学、人口地理学、社会学等学科的知识对实验结果进行不同层面的分析讨论。

    The present thesis focuses on the stability of ORE and the influence of facial identification which is arisen by category of facial expression , and analyzes the experimental results from various aspects based on the knowledge of cultural anthropology , human geography and sociology .

  26. 上海外来流动人口犯罪现状的社会学分析与控制对策

    Foreigner 's Crime Control Office A Sociological Analysis on the Criminal Status Quo of Transient Population from Other Places in Shanghai and the Control Countermeasures

  27. 其次,通过对人口经济学、人口地理学、人口社会学的相关学科理论的阐述,为本文的研究提供理论支撑。

    Secondly , by the theory of Population economics , the geography , population sociology , we definite the theory basis .

  28. 检讨、应对、分析中国人口与SARS的关系,是人口社会学研究中一个迫切需要探讨的理论与现实问题。

    Analyzing and responding to the connection between SARS and the Chinese population is a serious problem in theory and in reality , which requires being further , studied .

  29. 而人口社会学者的学术自觉,则是人口社会学学科走向成熟的重要条件。

    Yet the academic consciousness from scholars who specialize in Sociology of Population is a vital condition to lead the discipline to go into maturity .