
  1. 具有人口控制的离散SOLOW模型

    A Discrete Solow Model with Population Control

  2. 开环人口控制系统的稳定性及其渐近性态

    On the Stability and Asymptotic Behaviour for Open Population Control System

  3. 到2020年之前,我们必须将二氧化碳的排放量从2006的水平上减少80%,到2040年之前,将全球人口控制在80亿以内,彻底消除贫因,并恢复森林和土壤。

    We must cut carbon emissions by 80 % from their 2006 levels by 2020 , stabilize the world 's population at eight billion by 2040 , completely remove poverty , and restore forests and soils .

  4. 善意的发展计划会对人口控制造成未预料的影响。

    Well-intentioned development projects can have unintended effects on population control .

  5. 人口控制:一个需要不断深入认识的战略性问题

    Population Control : A Strategic Problem Calling for Continuous Further Consideration

  6. 专家认为,人类可以进行强制性的人口控制措施。

    And they feel we should turn to compulsory birth control .

  7. 反对人口控制的意见是多种多样、具有说服力的。

    The arguments against responsible population control are manifold and persuasive .

  8. 社会保障与人口控制的理论创新与现实问题研究

    Realistic Problems and Theoretical Innovations of Social Security and Population Control Study

  9. 咱们得讨论一下出生人口控制的问题,我们已经人口过剩了。

    Ok lets discuss birth control * we are already over populated .

  10. 用生育模式作为控制量的人口控制理论

    Population control theory with fertility patterns as its control parameters

  11. 政府被要求重新考虑其人口控制计划。

    The government was asked to redefine its program on birth control .

  12. 人口控制是解决全球变暖的办法吗?

    Is Population Control the New Solution to Global Warming ?

  13. 中国与印度人口控制比较研究

    Comparative Research of Population Control of China and India

  14. 人口控制的大系统结构及控制决策的综合

    The large-scale systems structures in population control and the synthesis of control decisions

  15. 关于欠发达地区人口控制的思考

    Population Control in the Less Developed Areas of China

  16. 我国大城市人口控制与教育资源配置的协同研究

    Cooperative Research on Population Control and Distribution of Educational Resources in Chinese Metropolises

  17. 通过实行沙区适度的人口控制政策,逐渐减轻人口压力,提高人口素质;

    By population control policy to reduce population pressure and improve population diathesis ;

  18. 再论人口控制中的政府行为的规范原则和评价标准

    Reconsideration of the Principles and Standards of Evaluation of Government Behavior in Population Control

  19. 低生育率条件下的中国人口控制

    Population Control Under Low Fertility Rate in China

  20. 乌托邦实行严格的人口控制政策;

    Utopia practices severe birth - control policy .

  21. 必须探索市场经济条件下人口控制的新途径

    Exploring New Ways to Control the Population Growth Under the Condition of Market Economy

  22. 问:讨论全球变暖的一个内容是人口控制。

    Q : One aspect of the debate on global warming is population control .

  23. 城市化影响人口控制的机理分析

    The Mechanism Analyse of Urbanization Influencing Population Control

  24. 我国西部地区的人口控制政策与措施

    The Policies and Measures for Controlling Population in the West Area of Our Country

  25. 而生命伦理,则体现了人口控制对人类和生物的道德性。

    Whereas , life ethic embodies morality for population control to human beings and biology .

  26. 如果人口控制措施被解除,那么人口数量就会迅速上升。

    A third is that , if controls were lifted , population growth might rise .

  27. 家庭户规模缩小,主要是人口控制所产生的积极效果。

    The smaller family size is mainly due to the positive results of population control .

  28. 多区域人口控制数学模型

    Mathematical Model for Human Population of Multi-Region

  29. 中国农村人口控制的社区行动&社区发展与人口控制网络试点的经验总结

    Community-Based Population Control in Rural China

  30. Ⅰ、人口控制的人口效益分析。

    Input analysis of population control .