
  • 网络human capital;Human capital theory;The Theory of Human Capital
  1. 第二章文献综述,阐述了本文研究所参考的理论基础,包括人力资本理论、人力资源招聘与配置理论、现代猎头理论和高层管理团队(TMT)理论等。

    The second chapter is the summary , which introduce the related theories , containing human capital theory . The theory of recruitment and allocation of human resource , contemporary headhunting theory and Top management team ( TMT ) theory and so on .

  2. 从人力资本理论看继续教育产业化

    A Discussion on Continuous Education Industrialization Based on Human Capital Theory

  3. 以企业剩余索取权安排作为MBO理论基础,主要从契约理论和人力资本理论两个方面对企业剩余索取权安排进行分析。

    Taken enterprise residual claim arrangement as theory base , thesis analyzed it from client-agency and manpower capital .

  4. 以新古典经济增长理论、人力资本理论为基础,以柯布&道格拉斯生产函数模型(C-D模型)为主要分析工具,分析江苏省就业人口的人均受教育程度对江苏经济增长的作用。

    According to the neoclassical economics and HR theory , and by using Cobb-Douglas function ( C-D function ) as the main analytical tool , the paper analysed the effect that employees ' education level has made on the economic growth in Jiangsu province .

  5. 经济增长、劳动就业与人力资本理论的再研究&科学增长模型中的劳动力与经济增长关系

    The Research about Economical Growth , Employment and Manpower Capital Theory

  6. 职业资格制度的发展:人力资本理论的观点

    The Development of Professional Qualification : the Perspective of Human Capital

  7. 人力资本理论与发展观转变

    Theory on Personnel Capital & the Changing Idea On Development

  8. 人力资本理论是对按要素分配的重大理论突破

    Human Capital Theory Is Important Theoretical Breakthrough to Distribution According to Factors

  9. 人力资本理论与企业产权制度安排

    The Theory of Human Capital and the System of Enterprise Property Right

  10. 基于持续竞争优势的战略人力资本理论

    Strategic human capital theory onthe basis of sustainable competitive advantages

  11. 人力资本理论与高校人事制度的改革创新

    Human Capital Theory and Creative Reform of Higher Learning Institution Personnel System

  12. 本文以“舒尔茨”的人力资本理论为依据。

    On the basis of Human Resources theory by Theodore W.

  13. 人力资本理论:形成、发展与启示&兼论现代科学技术条件下马克思主义政治经济学的发展

    The Formation , Development and Revelation of Human Capital Theory

  14. 因此本文主要介绍委托代理理论、人力资本理论。

    This article mainly introduces the principal-agent theory , human capital theory .

  15. 人力资本理论与中国金融企业管理

    On Manpower Capital Theory and Chinese Financial Industry Management

  16. 区域人力资本理论与实践研究

    A Study on the Theory and Practice of the Regional Capital of Manpower

  17. 人力资本理论对企业的指导意义

    The Guiding Significance of Human Capital Theory to Enterprises

  18. 人力资本理论的渊源、流派和发展

    Origin , schools and development of human capital theory

  19. 人力资本理论与人力资源开发的综合创新

    The Theory of Human Capital and the Comprehensive Innovation of Human Resources Development

  20. 浅谈人力资本理论的发展

    Study on the Development of Human Capital 's Theory

  21. 以人为本的人力资本理论分析

    Theoretical Analysis of Human Capital of Human - oriented

  22. 人力资本理论在中国的进一步发展

    Further Development of the Human Capital Theory in China

  23. 第二部分介绍了本文相关的理论基础,着重介绍了委托代理理论、激励理论和人力资本理论。

    Then introduced the principal-agent theory , incentive theory and human capital theory .

  24. 试论人力资本理论的缺陷及其完善

    On Defects of Human Capital Theory and Its Revision

  25. 人力资本理论与我国高等教育投资

    Human capital theory and our higher education investment

  26. 人力资本理论提出后,立即引起经济学家和社会学家的广泛关注。

    The human capital theory causeed the economist and sociologist 's widespread attention immediately .

  27. 人力资本理论与健康投资

    The Theory of Manpower Capital and Health Investment

  28. 基于人力资本理论的人力资源管理理论模型

    A Theoretical Model of Human Resource Management on the Basis of Human Capital Theories

  29. 论人力资本理论的最新进展与教育制度创新

    On the Latest Development of Manpower Capital Theory and the Innovation of Educational System

  30. 人力资本理论是对资本理论的创新;

    This paper argues that manpower capital theory is an innovation of capital theory .