
  • 网络Personnel Policy
  1. 人事政策和标准小组

    Personnel Policies and Standards Group

  2. 国家将对大学毕业生不包分配,你们有什么新的人事政策么?

    The country will not guarantee the college graduated work , what are your new personnel policies ?

  3. 但在人事政策上,我认为我的管理风格非常本土化。

    But in respect of personnel policy , I believe my management style is quite local .

  4. 与政府相关部门保持良好的关系,确保信息渠道的畅通,掌握最新劳动人事政策。

    Keep a good relationship with relative authority to update the PRC labour law and policy .

  5. 活动还包括你的方法来管理员工福利和补偿,员工记录和人事政策。

    Activities also include managing your approach to employee benefits and compensation , employee records and personnel policies .

  6. 政府的教育政策、人事政策、社会保障政策、户籍政策也影响着毕业生就业。

    The governmental policies in education , administration , social security and household registration can influence their employment .

  7. 梅耶尔和雷瑟尔都不愿谈及人事政策或由此引发的争议。

    Neither Mayer nor reses are willing to talk about the HR policy or the controversy it has ignited .

  8. 在此基础上,搜集社区卫生人力相关政策并对社区卫生人力培训政策和人事政策进行评价。

    Then the paper collected human resources policies in community health services and evaluated the training and personnel policies .

  9. 但是,他们应该确保员工和都知道,人事政策,符合现行规定。

    However , they should always ensure that employees have and are aware of personnel policies which conform to current regulations .

  10. 我们的存在目的是确保员工的想法能被充分了解和考虑,并保证我们的人事政策得到正确实施。

    We Exist To Ensure That The Employee Point Of View Is Always Heard And Considered And That Our Personnel Policies Are Correctly Administered .

  11. 做好高存量人力资本的需求规划是吸纳工作的前提,在吸引人才过程中,招聘的细节往往容易被人忽视却又非常重要,良好的人事政策是吸引人才的重要因素。

    Demand planning of high-ability human capital is the first step , then perform staff recruit properly , the good acquisition mechanism is very important .

  12. 如何对公共部门的人与职位的管理以及相关的人事政策的制定都需要由公共人力资源管理来解决。

    How to administrative officer and position in bureaucracy mechanism , how to make personal policy were all solve by public human resource management theory .

  13. 除此之外,本系统具备自动生成报表并打印、人事政策法规查阅、学院人事这一块的请示答复查阅等功能。

    In addition , this system can automatic generate reports and print , refer to personnel policies and regulations , refer to requests and reply about the personnel department .

  14. 跨国经营企业是一种多文化机构,其内部文化差异主要表现在价值文化、制度文化和劳动人事政策三个方面。

    A transnational managing enterprise is a multicultural organization inside which cultural differences mainly show in the following three aspects : value culture , system value , labor and personnel policy .

  15. 然而,最近的利率上调和人事政策变动(大公司正试图让工作女性更为舒适),意味着2007年选择创业的女性数量将减少。

    However , recent rises in interest rates and changes in the personnel policies that would see large companies trying to be more accommodating to working mothers would mean that fewer women chose to start up a business during 2007 .

  16. 从董事会、经营者素质、组织机构、人事政策、内部审计五个方面对“湘缆”内部控制失败案例进行系统分析,从而探讨了改进我国内部控制环境的思路。

    The failure case of the internal controlling environment of " XiangLian " is systemically analysed from board of directors , quality of managers , institutional framework , personnel policy and internal audit , Thus , the way of improving our internal controlling environment is discussed .

  17. 各个主权财富基金在人事和政策方面存在很大差异。

    Sovereign wealth funds differ greatly in their personnel and policy .

  18. 高校人事代理政策的体系构建与实践分析

    The Systematic Construction and Practical Analysis of Personal Agent Policy in University

  19. 根据人事部门政策,对通道人员绩效考核/薪水调整。

    Adjust the underling people PA and salary status according to HR policy .

  20. 在北京精心安排召开的这次大会,在人事或政策上都没有什么太出人意料之处。

    The carefully scripted Congress in Beijing produced no big surprises in terms of personnel or policy .

  21. 建议调整定点社区健康服务机构人力资源结构,适度扩大人力规模,加强社区健康服务机构人力资源培训,完善社区健康服务机构人事配套政策。

    Conclusion To adjust the human resource structure of ordered medical institutions , scale-up the human resource , strengthen the training , and perfect the human suited policy .

  22. 干政方法之二,就是操纵政府内阁人事和内阁政策。

    The other is to manipulate the Government personnel of the Cabinet and the Cabinet policy .

  23. 结果发现:人事制度改革政策有利于扩大医院及院长的自主权,但许多改革措施难以贯彻落实;

    The results showed that hospitals got increasing autonomy during personnel reform , but some policy items cannot be fully and effectively carried out ;

  24. 法国偏政府主导型的党政关系,在其政府人事任命和政策创制过程中得到体现。

    The mode of the correlation between government and party in France belongs to the type partial to government predominance , as is embodied in the process of government 's personnel appointment and policy-making .

  25. 清政府借助政治权威、人事任命和经济政策,基本上控制了洋务股份制企业的经营管理活动。

    By its political authority , personal commission and economic policy , Qing Dynasty 's government controlled basically the management and administration of the stock-enterprises during the period of westernization movement .

  26. 在高等学校开展职业指导工作,有助于大学生了解就业形势和有关人事劳动方面的政策法规、实现他们的求职愿望。

    The development of university occupation guidance is helpful for students to understand the employment situation and policies and rules concerning personnel labor and realize their desire of getting a job .

  27. 首先,本文从中央银行独立性的定义入手,分别从人事、财务和政策三个方面界定独立性,并指出独立性的相对性。

    This paper , firstly , starts with the definition of central bank independence with respect to personnel , financial and policy independence , and points out this definition is in relative terms .