
This party was pro-Japanese and was accepting loans from Japan .
The pro-Japanese section of the big bourgeoisie , having completely capitulated to japan , is ready to play the puppet .
There is no doubt that the Japanese imperialists and the pro-Japanese group are still endeavouring to prolong civil war in China .
To unmake it , he would have to fight against many forces and draw closer to the Japanese imperialists and the pro-Japanese group .
We make a distinction between such people with a dual character and the traitors and pro-Japanese elements . Such membrane lipids are amphiphatic molecules .
History might reverse its course for a while and peace might meet with setbacks because of the existence of Japanese imperialism , traitors and the pro-Japanese group .
Many of them are already collaborators , many have become or are ready to become pro-japanese , many are vacillating , and only a few , owing to special circumstances , are firmly anti-japanese .
This could come about as a result of the intrigues of the Japanese aggressors , the collaborators and the pro-Japanese elements to split china 's anti-Japanese front when they find it impossible to attain the second direction .
However dark the situation , however thorny the road , and whatever the price that road exacts the loss of the New Fourth Army units in Southern Anhwei is part of that price , the Japanese aggressors and the pro-Japanese clique are certainly doomed .