
  • 网络product costing;product cost accounting
  1. 影子价格在产品成本核算中的应用

    Application of Shadow Price in Product Cost Accounting

  2. 但是我国房地产企业产品成本核算存在着很大的成本核算弊端:如忽视间接费用的核算等,无法真正做到正确的房产成本核算。

    However , the real estate business there are significant product cost accounting cost accounting malpractice : ignoring indirect costs such as accounting , etc. , can not really do the right property costing .

  3. 第二章主要归纳了基于ICCF产品成本核算流程的相关理论和备用知识。

    The second chapter mainly summarizes related theory and knowledge which relates to ICCF commercial banks product cost calculating flow .

  4. 生物资产及农产品成本核算问题研究

    Study on Cost Calculation of Biological Assets and Agricultural Products

  5. 成本会计的新领域:数字化产品成本核算

    A New Domain of Cost Accounting & Cost Counting of Digital Products

  6. 农产品成本核算体系及控制机理研究

    Calculation System and Control Mechanism of Agricultural Production Cost

  7. 我国甲烷氯化物产品成本核算规程的探讨

    Discussion on business accounting regulations of methane chloride products

  8. 浅谈划小核算单位后产品成本核算的方法

    A Brief Discussion on A Method of Cost Accounting After Dividing into Smaller Accounting Units

  9. 产品成本核算的系统设计

    Design of Product Cost Evalution System

  10. 本文对中国的农产品成本核算指标体系进行了较系统的研究。

    This thesis studies index system of the costs and returns account of agricultural products in China .

  11. 由于陶瓷制造生产工艺的特殊性,传统的产品成本核算方法难以奏效。

    The methods of traditional cost calculation are not useful , due to the particularity of manufacturing technology in ceramic industry .

  12. 然后,论述了构筑应对反倾销导向下的产品成本核算原则、期间费用的核算与分摊要领、环境成本核算方法等关键环节。

    Then discuss cost accounting principles to establish a system responding to anti-dumping , Period cost accounting and allocated method , environmental cost accounting method and so on .

  13. 生物资产和农产品成本核算问题是我国农业企业会计核算中至关重要的一个环节,是生物资产确认与计量的基础。

    Cost calculation of biological assets and agricultural products is a very important part of accounting activity in agricultural corporation , and a basis of accounting recognition and measurement of biological assets in China .

  14. 产品成本的核算方法直接影响产品成本信息的准确性。

    Product cost calculation methods directly influences the accuracy of the product cost information .

  15. 会计视角下的反倾销规避&基于出口产品环境成本核算角度

    Circumvent Anti-dumping under Accounting Perspective : Based on Environmental Cost Accounting of Export Products

  16. 在引入作业成本法之前,企业采用定额成本法对产品成本进行核算。

    Before the ABC system , it had taken the fixed cost method as the basic tool of production cost accounting .

  17. 中国农产品成本收益核算指标体系演变及改进研究

    Study on the Evolvement and Improvement of the Index System of the Costs and Returns Account of Agricultural Products in China

  18. 本厂从产品的成本核算到开发设计制造一条龙服务,欢迎顾客来图来样定做生产。

    Our cost accounting to the development from product design and manufacture of train service , welcome customers to sample custom production .

  19. 使用机会成本概念作为农产品成本收益核算的计价基础,可以获得农产品的完全生产成本;

    The real production cost of agriculture production could be acquired by using the opportunity cost of factors to account the benefit-cost of agriculture products ;

  20. 因此学者们提出了作业成本法,它使得产品的成本核算更加准确,有利于成本实际控制;

    Therefore scholars propose activity based cost , it makes cost calculation of product more accurate , it is advantageous to the cost actual control ;

  21. 最后,通过大连冰山集团机加工车间两个具体产品的成本核算过程,验证了本成本核算系统的准确性和可行性。

    At last , it takes two products from the workshop of Dalian Refrigeration Corporation in costing procedures as exact examples , which validates the feasibility and the exactness of the costing system based on ABC .

  22. 一种PDM中产品设计成本的核算模型及应用

    A Cost Accounting Model for Product Design and Its Application in PDM

  23. 基于中间产品的造船成本核算与控制研究

    Study of Shipbuilding Cost Accounting Cost Controling Based on the Interim Productions

  24. 产品生命周期环境成本核算实例研究

    Case Study of Product Life Circle Environmental Cost Calculation

  25. 产品生产的材料成本核算与分析

    Material Cost Accounting and Analysis for Products

  26. “人才成本”与“产品成本”相比具有核算对象多、周期长、资金回收渠道多等特点。

    Compared with the cost of goods manufactured , talent cost accounting has the property of more objects , longer period , and many ways of fund returns .

  27. 在这种方法的基础上,择一旅行社的若干种具有代表特色的旅游产品进行比较,得出了各种产品实际的成本核算。

    In this method , and on the basis of some kind of a travel agency representing characteristic tourist products , it is concluded that the various products compare actual cost .

  28. 现代技术革命使世界制造业发生了重大的变化,并且企业为了实现股东价值最大化的目标,对产品的资本成本越来越重视,企业进行产品成本核算的方法也在向前发展。

    Modern technology development makes the manufacturing change gravely in the world , and the corporations pay more and more attention to the capital costs , so they push the method of calculating the product cost to step forwards .

  29. 介绍了书籍装订热熔胶生产工艺及产品的技术指标,对1000ta生产装置的投资与产品成本进行了核算。

    The manufacturing technique of a bookbinding EVA hot-melt adhesive was introduced . Product cost of a 1000 t / a production equipment was roughly calculated and the balance and sensitivity of profits and losses were analysed .