
  1. 具体包括:物联网基础理论、产业发展理论和产业竞争力理论。

    That includes : basic theory of Internet of Things , the theory of industrial development , and industrial competitiveness theory .

  2. 第二部分主要讲述外商直接投资理论和产业发展理论,产业发展理论主要介绍产业结构理论和产业布局理论。

    The second part introduces direct investment theory and industrial development theory which includes industrial structure theory and industrial layout theory .

  3. 作为地方政府,应该关注产业发展理论动态,谋划产业集群发展,建立产业集群发展的长期愿景。

    As a local government , should be concerned about the dynamic theory of industrial development , plan industrial cluster development , the establish long-term vision for the development of industrial clusters .

  4. 第二部分对新城建设理论,尤其是当代西方新城建设理论和中国小城镇建设发展进行总结分析,以及区域与新城发展理论、产业发展理论进行了回顾。

    The second part of the metro construction theory , especially the theory of contemporary western new city construction and development of small cities and towns in China were summarized and analyzed , as well as regional and metro development theory , industrial development theory is reviewed .

  5. 西南山区产业发展的理论环境影响评价

    Theoretical Environmental Impact Assessment on Industrial Development in Southwest Mountainous Areas

  6. 黑龙江省旅游产业发展的理论思考和对策

    The Theoretical Thoughts and Countermeasures on Tourism Development in Heilongjiang

  7. 高新技术发展的政府种子基金构架&重庆高新技术产业发展的理论研究

    Framework for the Government Seed-fund of Hi-tech Development in Chongqing

  8. 消防监督管理工作产业化发展理论初探

    The study on the development of normalization of the fire supervision work

  9. 论优区位产业协调发展理论及实施模式

    Developing Theory in Harmony of Excellent Position Industry 's and Implementing the Mode

  10. 洞庭湖区旅游产业发展的理论基础。

    The theoretic foundation of the tourism industry development of the Dongting Lake District .

  11. 新农村建设中农业产业化发展理论与模式研究

    On the Theory and Mold of Rural Economic Industrialization in Constructing Socialist New Countryside

  12. 阐述了中国生物农药产业发展的理论基础与背景。

    The theoretical basis and background for the development of the biopesticide industry in China are elaborated .

  13. 本文将国内学者的研究划分为以下几个方面,即三次产业发展阶段理论或演进理论;

    Having been divided into several parts & development phases theory of three industries or evolvement theory ;

  14. 生态产业发展的理论透视与鄱阳湖生态经济区建设的基本思路

    Theory Analysis on Ecological Industrial Development and Basic Thoughts for Construction of Poyang Lake Ecological Economic Zone

  15. 主要内容主要有以下三部分。文章第一部分是对外贸易及产业发展的理论与研究综述。

    The thesis was mainly separated into three sections : the first section is the theory and literature review .

  16. 第二章是本文的理论支撑,介绍循环经济及产业发展相关理论。

    The second part is the introduction of theory , telling the relative theory of recycling economy and industry theory .

  17. 本文以金融创新理论和金融产业可持续发展理论为基础,从中外证券公司盈利模式的比较入手,分析了国外证券公司盈利模式的特点、形成过程及我国目前证券公司盈利模式的现状和问题。

    The study is based on the theory of finance innovation and the theory of the persisting development of the finance industry .

  18. 因此,研究临港产业发展的理论,探讨河北省临港产业发展的对策,具有重大现实意义。

    So , to study the theory of port industry development and to question the count plans about Hebei port industry development have important and realistic meaning .

  19. 本论文的研究结论将加速我国汽车零部件企业集群理论的实施和运用,给具有我国特色的汽车零部件产业发展提供理论支持。

    The conclusion of the dissertation will accelerate the application of the theory of cluster of automobile component enterprises in China and present theory support for Chinese automobile component industry .

  20. 根据以上研究确定了文章的研究思路。第二,建立了一个全要素生产率与装备制造业产业发展的理论分析框架。

    According to above research has identified the research idea of the article . Second , set up a total factor productivity and equipment manufacturing industry development theory analysis framework .

  21. 第一章绪论简介选题的目的和意义、城市化和产业发展互动理论的国内外研究情况。

    Chaperl : the exordium introduces the aim and the meaning of this article and researches at home and abroad on mutual infection theory between industry development and its urbanization of Sichuan Province .

  22. 第一章介绍高技术产业发展的理论,包括高技术产业的含义、发展的规律、环境基础、产业基础等理论,从而说明高技术产业发展的基本要求。

    In the first chapter , it has introduced the developmental theories of high-technology industry , including high-technology industry implication , developmental law . environment base , industry base theories , which shows that the basic inquire of high-technology industry development .

  23. 本论文主要由四部分组成:第一部分,对国内外城乡产业整体发展理论进行系统归纳、总结,为进一步对长春市城乡产业整体发展进行实证探讨提供理论支撑。

    The thesis consists of four parts mainly : The first part , the author systematically concludes and summarizes the theories of rural-urban industrial integrated development , which offers the theoretical support for positive research on rural-urban industrial integrated development of Changchun .

  24. 第二部分,阐述了汽车产业发展模式理论,即运用竞争优势理论、比较优势理论对汽车产业发展模式进行研究,介绍了产业发展模式的相关概念。

    In the second part , it proposed the developing mode theory of the auto industry with the employment of the theory of competitive advantage and comparative advantage . Moreover , it illustrated the concepts related to the developing modes of auto industry .

  25. 本文通过对传媒经济理论文献和产业发展的理论文献进行系统回顾,综合运用产业经济学、管理学、传播学、社会学等理论,应用到去研究传媒产业的发展的过程中。

    We systematically reviewed economic theory of the media industry and development literature and the theory of literature , comprehensive use of industrial economics , management , communications , sociology theory , applied to the media industry to study the process of development .

  26. 本论文对基于知识管理的产业集群发展理论进行深入研究,是在之前许多学者基于单个企业知识管理基础上,重点在于从知识管理与产业集群两个方面进行创新性研究。

    The research has been discussed in this paper on basis of many experts and scholars who has put forward many important theories . The author placed emphasis on the two issues , including the innovation of knowledge management and that of industry clusters .

  27. 综合对这些优势和差距进行分析,结合产业发展的理论观点,对广东省金枪鱼产业发展产生影响的各个因素进行归纳和总结,在此基础上探索广东省发展金枪鱼产业的途径。

    In the base of analyze the strengths and gaps , combined with the theory of industrial development , and summarize the various factors of tuna industry development in Guangdong Province , we can explore the ways of tuna industry development in Guangdong Province .

  28. 第2章对城镇体系发展战略规划的基础理论进行了阐述,主要是区域发展与区域空间结构之间的相互关系、区域产业结构发展理论与区域空间结构重组理论。

    Based on the conception of strategic planning of urban system development , chapter two expounds its basic theories , mainly about the relationship between the regional development and spatial structure , theories about the economic structure adjustment and theories about the reorganization of spatial structure .

  29. 外向型经济带动农业产业化发展的理论依据研究

    Research of Theory Basis on Export-oriented Type Economy Drives Agriculture Industrialization Development

  30. 上海金融产业发展的钻石理论分析

    The Diamond Theory Analysis on Shanghai 's Financial Development