
  • 网络LeapFrog
  1. 提出了交替前进张拉法。

    The text puts forward Forward Alternately Tension Method .

  2. 在此基础上,又提出了交替前进张拉法,在不增加施工难度及工期的基础上,减小了张拉步长,保证大桥各部件在施工过程中安全。

    Based on this , the method of stretch leapfrogging is put forward , stretch step size is reduced and the safety of bridge can be ensured during the construction without increasing construction difficulty and duration .

  3. 百余年来,我国高等师范教育的发展无不围绕着高师教育体系的定向与非定向、封闭与开放的反复交替而曲折前进。

    Among hundreds of years , the development of higher normal education in our country advanced to the alternation of closed or open system way .

  4. 两个头部交替迈步沿微管前进,最快每秒100步(800纳米)。

    The heads take turns stepping along the microtubule , at a rate of up to100 steps ( 800 nanometers ) per second .