
jǐng rán
  • orderly;shipshape;methodical;neat and tidy
井然 [jǐng rán]
  • [orderly] 形容整齐的样子

  • 井然有序

井然[jǐng rán]
  1. 说明书是针对直接承包者的。说明书对工程项目提供顺序井然、层次清晰的文字说明材料。

    Specifications are addressed to the prime contractor . They present a written description of the project in an orderly and logical manner .

  2. 特别值得注意的是,此次活动有两大亮点:一是良乡分部建立了排号机制,使得现场秩序井然。

    The two particular highlights of this event were : First , Liangxiang Division established a mechanism in order , making the scene in an orderly manner .

  3. 这是一座美丽清洁、秩序井然的城市。

    It 's a beautiful , clean and orderly city

  4. 全体船员秩序井然地准备弃船。

    The officers and crew prepared to abandon ship in an orderly fashion .

  5. 全国秩序井然。

    Perfect order reigned throughout the entire country .

  6. 越国人估计时机已到,便将瓦罐里的谷子换成水,在上面浅浅覆盖一层谷糠,兴冲冲跑来的老鼠一点儿也没有一个提防,在夜里成群结队地再次光临,它们次序井然地进入瓦罐里面,结果一只也没有活着出来。

    Thinking that it is the right time , the Yue person replaced the grains with water , and placed some chaff2 on the surface of the water . During the night , the mice came in groups again excitedly and were not alert at all . They entered the pitcher orderly and none of them came out alive .

  7. XUL实现了前端设计的MVC设计模式,它有效的分离界面代码和逻辑代码,用XML表示界面布局,用井然的代码实现具体业务逻辑处理。

    XUL achieves the Model-View-Controller ( MVC ) design pattern . XUL effectively separates user interface code and logical code , using XML file express user interface and neat code implement the business logic handle .

  8. 将近70000名球迷秩序井然地涌出场地。

    Almost 70000 fans streamed out in an orderly fashion .

  9. 我们正在进行和平而又秩序井然的政治会议。

    We are conducting a peaceful and orderly political meeting .

  10. 这些鸭子都很守规举,秩序井然的向前走。

    The birds appeared well-behaved , marching along in an orderly fashion .

  11. 他发现屋子里秩序井然。

    He found everything in the house in good order .

  12. 人群秩序井然地离开了广场。

    The crowd left the square in an orderly way .

  13. 秩序井然、公正而又文明的社会。

    An orderly , just , and civilised society .

  14. 人群挤满了广场,他们秩序井然,噤若寒蝉。

    The crowd , orderly , awesomely hushed , had filled the square .

  15. 好吧,所有的东西似乎都秩序井然。

    Well , everything seems to be in order .

  16. 他们的目标是建立一个秩序井然、公平和文明的社会。

    Their aim is to create an orderly , just and civilised society .

  17. 他们都遵守这条法令,县里秩序井然。

    They obeyed his law , and everything went well in his county .

  18. 旅途的喧嚣混乱已经被家的秩序井然所取代。

    The chaos of travel has given way to the order of home .

  19. 战争、瘟疫、地震和饥荒多方面动摇了先前井然的社会秩序。

    Wars , plagues , earthquakes , and famine rocked many an earlier social order .

  20. 在一个秩序井然的世界,把美国式纾困方案扩大到全球银行将是有益的。

    In a well-ordered world , there would be merit in extending the US approach to global banks .

  21. 更有条理:假如你想秩序井然地安排你的任务,一些最基础的组织活动是非常必要的。

    Get Organized Some basic organization is needed if you are going to get your priorities in order .

  22. 房间内井然放置着一张沙发、一架特浓咖啡机、灰石色咖啡杯,以及一架宽大的平面电视。

    There was a sofa , an espresso machine with slate-grey coffee cups , and an enormous flat-screen television .

  23. 天性中美德底繁殖是要仗着秩序井然,纪律良好的社会的;这是无疑的。

    Certainly , the great multiplication of virtues upon human nature resteth upon societies well ordained , and disciplined .

  24. 我应当是怎样尽可能解决引起祸乱与对秩序井然有害的隐患。

    What should be my cause as far as possible , bringing disasters and chaos with the potential harmful orderly .

  25. 目前,全省旅游市场整体运行安全平稳、秩序井然。

    At present , the province 's tourism market as a whole the safe operation of the smooth and orderly .

  26. 岸上、船上秩序井然。井然有序的房屋;有秩序的世界;非常有规律的生活。

    Perfect discipline prevailed ashore and afloat . a quiet ordered house ; an orderly universe ; a well regulated life .

  27. 磁力令到银河系秩序井然,允许恒星和行星以高速运转。

    Magnetism is the force that keeps order in the galaxy , allowing stars and planets to spin at significant velocities .

  28. 第一幅代表了他非凡的绘画技巧、对科学的热情和对宇宙是秩序井然之所的信仰。

    The first represents his marvelous technical skill and passion for science and belief in the universe as a well-ordered place .

  29. 城市的中心是一个秩序井然的地方,街道由一群身着荧光橘红色环卫服的工人在不断清扫。

    The city centre is a well-ordered place , with streets continually swept by an army of workers in fluorescent orange vests .

  30. 我们应当为外国工人铺设一条合法的和秩序井然的道路,以便其进入我国从事临时工作。

    We should establish a legal and orderly path for foreign workers to enter our country to work on a temporary basis .