
jǐng hàng gōng chéng
  • sinking and driving engineering;openings and development engineering
井巷工程[jǐng hàng gōng chéng]
  1. 无芯钻探技术在井巷工程中的应用

    Applications of No Core Braid Drilling Technology in Sinking and Driving Engineering

  2. 关于煤炭井巷工程造价控制过程中的几点意见

    Opinions on Coal Sinking and Driving Engineering Cost Control

  3. 基于OpenGL的矿山井巷工程三维设计

    OpenGL-based three - dimensional design of underground heading

  4. 确立了矿井井巷工程巷道数据管理系统(RDMS)研制的基本目标,根据工程实践建立起采掘工程平面图专用图素集,研究构造了工程平面图形的组织与管理模式。

    This paper proposes the basic goal for developing the roadway data management system ( RDMS ) of mine underground engineering and sets up a special-purpose drawing element set of a mine map , and constructs the organization and management modes of drawings .

  5. 井巷工程破坏原因分析与防护

    Reasons for breakage of underground stopes and gangways and their protection

  6. 矿井井巷工程锚喷支护的实践与认识

    Experience and Knowledge of Mine Sinking and Driving Engineering Anchor Spray Support

  7. 建立质量管理体系,实施对井巷工程质量的控制

    Building Quality Management System to Control the Underground Engineer Quality

  8. GB/T15663.2-1995煤矿科技术语井巷工程

    Terms relating to coal mining & Shafting and drifting engineering

  9. 有色金属矿山井巷工程施工及验收规范

    Specification for non-ferrous metal mine shaft engineering construction and acceptance

  10. 矿山井巷工程立体建模系统开发

    Development of Three-Dimensional Modeling System of Mine Shaft Engineering

  11. 井巷工程中的流态混凝土支护系统与技术

    Fluid Concrete Support System and Technology in Tunnelling Engineering

  12. 井巷工程具体安排的优化方法

    Optimization method of arranging the shaft and tunnel construction

  13. 浅析井巷工程在施工阶段的质量控制

    Analysis on the Quality Control in the Construction Stage of the Tunnel Engineering

  14. 井巷工程透视投影图的计算机绘制

    Drawing Perspective Projection Picture of Underground Openings by Computer

  15. 锚杆支护是目前井巷工程中应用最为广泛的一种支护方式。

    The rock bolting is the most widely supporting method in the underground engineering .

  16. 合理的数据组织是三维井巷工程建模的基本前提与关键。

    A reasonable data organization is the key of 3D modeling of tunnel works .

  17. 煤矿重要井巷工程的保护开采

    The Protective Exploiting of the Important Coal Mine

  18. 井巷工程施工合同的费用控制

    Control of the Contract Cost of Underground Construction

  19. 矿山井巷工程专家系统的理论与实践

    Theory and Application of the Expert System for Underground Development and Construction in Mines

  20. 库区矿业企业井巷工程价值评估系统研究

    Study on Assets Appraisal on Mine Workings Projects of Mining Industry in Reservoir Area

  21. 用随机网络技术选择井巷工程施工总排队方案

    Total arranging scheme of sinking and driving engineering construction chosen by using random network technique

  22. 唐山地震开滦煤矿井巷工程的震害

    Damage to structures and installations in the underground excavations of the Kailuan colliery during the Tangshan earthquake

  23. 有色金属矿山井巷工程测量规程

    Specification for non-ferrous metal survey

  24. 为此方案下井巷工程的是否建设提供理论依据。

    Under this program , it is the construction of underground works and provide a theoretical basis .

  25. 沿淮地区的现代应力场及其对井巷工程稳定性的影响

    Recent tectonic stress field and its effect on the stability of underground workings in the Huaihe area

  26. 定比分点法在井巷工程施工测量中的应用

    Application of " definite proportion and division point " method in construction survey of sinking and driving engineering

  27. 浅谈锚喷支护在井巷工程应用中的问题和对策

    Talking about the Problems of and Countermeasures for the Application of the Bolt-spray Supports in the Sinking And Driving Engineering

  28. 井巷工程是整个地下矿山的动脉,在整个矿山生产过程中起着首屈一指的作用。

    The laneway is the artery of a whole underground mine , and play the most important role in production .

  29. 文中并对地震区矿井井巷工程的设计和抗震措施提出了一些建议。

    Suggestions have been proposed on the aseismic design of underground mint in the seismic area and the aseismic measures have been taken .

  30. 本系统的研制,充分运用了软件工程的设计原理和充分体现了计算机辅助设计优化的思想,大大提高了地下矿山井巷工程设计效率。

    The system greatly introduced the principle of software engineering and the optimizing ideology of CAD , as has greatly improved laneway design efficiency .