
  1. 本赛季雄鹿队高居榜首,称霸全联盟,在主教练迈克·布登霍尔泽的五出战术下,让字母哥能轻杀到篮下。

    The Bucks have catapulted to the top of the NBA this season , with coach Mike Budenholzer 's five-out system spacing the floor for Antetokounmpo to attack the rim with ease .

  2. 我五年没出屋了。

    I haven 't left this house in five years .

  3. 在五行里他出了五个错误。

    He made five mistakes in as many lines .

  4. 第五部分归纳出孔子修身思想的教育启示。

    The fifth part summarized four big education enlightenments of Confucius ' cultivation thought .

  5. 这种事情其它项目也有,又不是只有现代五项才出过这种问题。

    Such things have also happened to other events rather than modern pentathlon alone .

  6. 如果星期五出庭作证出了问题的话。

    These depositions go wrong on friday .

  7. 第五章概括出当前中国动画产业应该采取的对策和发展战略;

    Chapter Five concludes countermeasure and developmental strategy that should be adopted for national animation industry development ;

  8. 第二个五分钟显示出顺延第一个五分钟方向上等量的推动力。

    The second five minutes shows an equal thrust in the direction of the first five-minute period .

  9. 它还称,这样的研究至少需要四到五年才能出成果。

    Such a study , it says , would take at least four to five years to produce results .

  10. 第五章探索出制造业新生代农民工就业升级的途径。

    Chapter five explore the way for the new generation of rural migrant workers ' employment upgrade in manufacturing .

  11. 第五部分总结出降低不确定性以及增强会计职业判断能力的建议。

    The fifth part sums up the suggestions that reduce the uncertainties and strengthen the ability of the professional-judgment .

  12. 你能在五分钟内画出一匹好看的马,然而你让我等了一年。

    You can draw a good horse in five minutes , yet you kept me waiting for a year .

  13. 我通过政府发放的交通卡追踪到了布克兄妹他们从第五大道车站出的站

    I 've managed to track the Booker children via their government issued metro cards . They exited the 5th Avenue Station .

  14. 第五章提炼出了模型应用对企业实践的几点启示,为企业的实际操作提供了一些思路。

    The fifth chapter is some enlightenment of model application for enterprise practice which can offer some train of thought for modern company .

  15. 五礼源出《周礼》,但五礼制度化的时代却应是在六朝时期,且此时构建的五礼制度框架被其后历代封建王朝所沿用。

    Five Rites , coming from Zhou Rites , became one kind of systems in Six Dynasties , which was accepted by following feudal dynasties .

  16. 她的女儿就是很好的例子。“Seowoo”是她第一个照片模特,当时只有五岁,表现出对粉色特别的热爱。

    And this was true of her own daughter , Seowoo , who was her first model for the project at the age of five , when she loved the colour pink .

  17. 它是一部完整的管弦乐曲作品,通过五个场景叙述出故事的情节。

    A whole orchestral work telling a story through five tableaux .

  18. 一个小小的五台竟会反映出一个大大的社会。

    Small five can reflect a big society unexpectedly .

  19. 过去五年内你出过国。

    You 've been out of the country in the last five years .

  20. 第五章,归纳出舟山市土地供应的形势存在的问题并揭示了问题存在的原因。

    Chapter 5 summarized defects and their reasons of land-supply of Zhoushan city .

  21. 第五部分则总结出了本案的研究结论。

    Section V draws a conclusion to the case .

  22. 第五,培养学生出声思维。

    Fifth , training students ' thinking aloud .

  23. “我真的已经期望我们中的五个仅仅悬挂出”。

    I 've really been looking forward to the five of us just hanging out .

  24. 在五分钟内解出这道数学题是不可能的,不是吗?

    It is impossible to work out this math problem in five minutes , isn 't it ?

  25. 研究人员曾在上海一家商场里从每五个人中挑选出受访者,进行关于购物习惯的调查。

    Researchers once stopped every fifth person in a Shanghai mall and asked them about their buying habits .

  26. 第五步:计算出总的花销,祈祷花销总数低于你的月收入吧。

    Step 5 : Now add up your expenses , and pray the total is lower than your monthly income .

  27. 在此基础上,由双馈感应电机五阶模型推导出不损失电网电压暂态特性的双馈感应电机简化数学模型。

    A simplified model containing the grid voltage dynamic information is deduced from the fifth order model of doubly-fed induction generator .

  28. 根据多种资料,将盆地中部马五段上部划分出八个准层序。

    On the basis of various sorts of data , 8 parasequences were identified in Upper Ma5 Member of the basin .

  29. 现代社会,男士下午五点钟又冒出胡须,女士放下长发都已经不是错。

    These days , nothing 's wrong with a guy sporting a 5 o'clock shadow or a woman letting her hair down .

  30. 但是考虑到眼下馏分油库存比五年均值高出了将近四分之一,炼油厂在生产方面动力不足;

    But with distillate inventories almost a quarter higher than the five-year average , there is little incentive to run refineries all out .