- 名mutual-aid group;mutual-aid team
- mutual aid group;mutual aid team

(1) [mutual aid group]∶在工作、学习等方面互相帮助共同提高的小组
(2) [mutual aid team]∶中国农业合作化初期,农民自愿在劳力、农具方面相互合作的组织形式
(3) [combite]∶海地人的非正式的互助合作小组,在鼓乐和歌声的伴奏和伴唱下帮助邻居劳动
She attended a cancer support group at her local hospital .
but , uh , we 're leaving for a group meeting ,
Do you work together as a supportgroup ?
Yobought for your entire cancer support group ?
Natalie : Remember in group when Bennett was talking about " brain-drainers " ?
Three to five minutes each day were also used by such groups for public self-criticism .
We greatly extended the organization of agricultural producer 's mutual-aid teams in all the old liberated .
The champion of agriculture collaboration in 1950s experienced cooperation group , primary community , superior community .
After liberation came the land reform , then the mutual-aid teams and then the producers ` co-operatives .
In production the agricultural producers ' co-operatives must achieve higher crop yields than the individual peasants and mutual-aid teams .
Make a success of the agricultural producers ' co-operatives and a big expansion of the mutual-aid teams will follow .
But let not the reader conclude from the extent of these mutual work teams that the peasant was Joining them without persuasion .
It originated in the liberation of the peasants to overcome production difficulties for the establishment of inter-group labor force , Such as plowing team .
When a squad moved out of a village , the self-help groups checked to see that everything borrowed from the people had been returned .
Mutual-aid teams by themselves are not enough to stop peasants selling their land , only co-operatives , and big ones at that , can do so .
Output must not remain at the individual peasant or mutual-aid team level , for that would mean failure ; what point , then , in having co-operatives at all ?
The Party and the government earnestly summed up the experiences and lessons of the mutual - aid teams in Yanbian , made it perfectly , promoted the Agricultural Cooperation .
Agricultural mutual aid groups is 50 years of New China , the main organizational form of agricultural production and also the Transitional form of Socialist collectivization of agriculture of china .
In the process from mutual-aid team to advanced cooperative , participatory state mobilization attracts massive peasants , who work in Work Points System as a member of the cooperative for the collective economic interest .
Signification of combinableness of political work and enterprise culture ; The mutual-aid teams are different from the agricultural producers ' co-operatives in that the former engage only in collective labour and do not affect ownership .
The rationality of developing agricultural production cooperative organizations are mainly in three aspects : achieving positive results at the early time , there is an objective necessity , the evolution of system from mutual aid teams to the primary cooperatives , to advanced form of cooperatives is inherently reasonable .
Such collective mutual-aid producers ' co-operatives should be extensively and voluntarily organized in all the anti-Japanese base areas in northern and central China . After liberation came the land reform , then the mutual - aid teams and then the producers ` co - operatives .
The Party 's central task in the rural areas is to develop the mutual-aid and co-operative movement and constantly raise productivity in agriculture . After land reform , they linked up several farmers and organized an agriculture mutual-aid team .