
hù shēng
  • alternation;intergrowth
互生 [hù shēng]
  • [intergrowth] 杨树、桃树等的叶子所排列的序列是相邻的两个叶子长在相对两侧,而每个茎节上只长一个叶子,这种叶序称互生

互生[hù shēng]
  1. 家家有本难念的经,也都难免互生嫉妒,但总归血浓于水。

    Families have their problems and jealousies , but blood is thicker than water .

  2. 啤酒酵母与几种乳酸细菌互生关系的初探

    Tentative Research on Mutuality of Saccharomyces cerevisiae and Some Lactic Acid Bacteria

  3. 互生最叫我们纪念的是他做人的态度。

    What wag most memorable about Husheng was his attitude toward life .

  4. 图文互生转换的实现方法

    Design And Realization of Graph-Text Mutual Generation and Transformation

  5. 叶:互生,心形至箭头形,亮绿色。

    Leaf attributes : Alternate , heart to arrow-shaped , bright green leaves .

  6. 草本植物的一个属,大部分产于澳大利亚,叶基生互生,花成头状花序,稀疏伞房状。

    Mostly Australian herbs having basal or alternate leaves and loosely corymbose flower heads .

  7. 应用灰色关联度分析比较对生玉米和互生玉米蒸腾特性

    Analysis and Comparison of Transpiration Characteristics of Oppositifolious and Alternative Maize with Grey Correlation

  8. 心皮与内轮雄蕊互生。

    The carpels alternate with the inner stamens , and their number also equal .

  9. 互生培养促进了酵母茵的代谢活性及产气指数。

    The mutualism promotes the metabolism of Saccheromyces cerevisiae and its-index number of producing gas .

  10. 我们之间一定已经互生情愫。

    There must be something between us .

  11. 从分离到融合到互生&张爱玲、孔慧怡《海上花列传》翻译策略谈

    From Separation to Fusion to Interproduction & Translation Strategies of The Singsong Girls of Shanghai

  12. 共存与互生&现代法治与中国传统法律文化的融合

    Coexistence and Interaction ── Integration of Modern Rule of Law with Chinese Traditional Culture of Law

  13. 欧亚大陆一种落叶乔木(苹果),有互生的单叶及白色或粉色的花朵。

    Eurasian tree ( Malus pumila ) having alternate simple leaves and white or pink flowers .

  14. 互生与共生、人与自然的协调是科学发展观的发展前提;

    Mutual survival and common survival and the harmony between man and the nature are its premises ;

  15. 陶艺语言与建筑空间交相辉映,互融互生,成为城市发展中一道亮丽的风景。

    The combination and interaction between ceramic language and architectural space become a beautiful landscape in cities .

  16. 三株菌分别对氨氮、亚硝酸盐氮和硝酸盐氮具有较强的脱除功能,且具有互生性。

    The three bacteria have strong function of removing ammonia nitrogen , nitrite nitrogen and nitrate nitrogen .

  17. 戴着面具跳舞,其双刃互生的矛盾本质属性使网络诗歌的发展充满悖论式的张力。

    The contradictory nature of Dance with a Mask has developed the network with a paradoxical vitality .

  18. 共固定化乳酸菌、根霉及酵母互生体系的生态学效应分析

    Study on the Ecological Effects of the Mutualism Fermentation System of Co-immobilized Lactic bacteria , Rhizopus and Yeast

  19. 哲学与文化原本就是互生、互动的,只是在学科分化后才被人为地分割开来。

    Philosophy and culture used to be twin sisters that inter depended on and interacted with each other .

  20. 花原基形成后,随即分化出5个萼片原基突起,之后,在萼片原基突起的内侧形成5个与之互生的花瓣原基突起,并进一步向内依次分化雄蕊原基和雌蕊原基。

    After formation of flower primordium . meristem is differentiated to sepal , petal , stamen and pistil .

  21. 叶对生,很少簇生或互生,单的或复合;叶或小叶叶片掌状脉。

    Leaves opposite , rarely fascicled or alternate , simple or compound ; leaf or leaflet blades palmately veined .

  22. 根系在土体中的分布表现出明显的与叶位互生对应的二群分布特点等。

    Root system distribution formed in " two groups ", that is , in vertical correspondence with that of leaves .

  23. 这些都足以说明文学与社会政治紧密的相联与互生互动。

    All these examples exemplify the close relationships and the interactions between literature and society as well as political consciousness .

  24. 紫外分光光度法测定丁香油和风油精中丁香酚的含量1.采用风油精法制片,对对生玉米和互生玉米染色体进行核型分析。

    Chromosomal karyotype analysis of the oppositifolious and alternate maizes has been carried out with the method of essential balm .

  25. 情景互生互涵,也成了船山自己诗歌创作的最高意境追求。

    Having scenes alternated and contained in each other is the highest mood Wang sought after in his own poetic creation .

  26. 易变的叶,那些在通常互生的第二年分枝上,那些在短枝紧靠和通常簇生上;

    Leaves variable , those on previous year 's branches usually alternate , those on short branches approximate and often fascicled ;

  27. 女性生命体验与道德伦理的互生互成可以说是20世纪女性生命体验的性别书写的一个重要的理论支撑。

    The interaction between feminine life experience and life ethics may be an important theoretical support to gender writing of feminine life experience .

  28. 互生共存关系是指评点者与创作者之间形成的固定的、长期的、一对一的并且彼此影响的关系。

    Alternate coexistence relationship between literary commenter refers to the formation of the creator , long-term , fixed on one-on-one and the relationship .

  29. 结果表明这种互生关系对双方的生长均有利,基质中的细胞总数较单独培养大为增加。

    The results indicates that the mutualism is profitable for each other , and the sum of cells increases highly than single cultivation .

  30. 该文提出了图文互生转换的一种设计思路,及图文互生转换的实现途径与方法。

    This essay gives the design idea of graph-text mutual generation and transformation , as well as the way and method to realize it .