
Xiao Ming was so happy that he woke out of laugh .
This is not an occasion for laughter .
And once you find laughter , no matter how painful your situation might be , you can survive it .
When the interviewer questioned him about his apparent good health , he put it all down to laughing and having fun .
Do not say to expect , but said the helpless , we can not help himself into the old faces make material , our helpless in myself laughing after heart emerges that unable to describe the sour .
Listening to this cheery programme in Stalingrad , the soldiers cursed or laughed , depending upon each man 's temperment .
Laugh and the world laughs with you . Even better , you might live longer , a Norwegian researcher reports .
Professor Reiss , of Stanford University in California , said : " Women appeared to have less expectation of a reward , which in this case was the punchline of the cartoon . So when they got the joke 's punchline , they were more pleased about it . "
The constitution of a little Swiss canton does not suit a great kingdom ; and , similarly , the constitution of the Roman republic was unsuitable when transferred to the small imperial towns of Germany .