
  1. 他的妈妈正忙着做饭,她还在纳闷:彼得又把他的衣服弄哪儿去了,这可是两个星期内彼得丢的第二身衣服和鞋了!

    His mother was busy cooking ; she wondered what he had done with his clothes . It was the second little jacket and pair of shoes that Peter had lost in a fortnight !

  2. 要做好翻译,需要在源语言和目标语言二者身上花相当大的精力。

    To be a good translator requires a sizeable investment in both source and target languages .

  3. 目前看来,奢侈品厂商不仅在二者身上都压了宝&即中国城市将被建成旅游和购物的目的地,同时也尝试通过种种新办法,吸引消费新贵。

    Luxury goods companies seem to be betting on both scenarios , as well as trying new approaches to tap the rising class of consumers .

  4. 这段视频显示至少一名成年女性和四名儿童可能死于头部的枪伤,屋内的墙上而满弹孔,一个配音说在二个人身上有明显的枪伤。

    The footage shows at least one adult male and four of the children with deep wounds to the head that could have been caused by bullets or shrapnel .

  5. 二是人身危险性必须为一定的危害行为所反映。

    Second , it reflects the hazardous actions .

  6. 我们已经有第二按揭在身了

    We have a second mortgage already .

  7. 但是就在一切发生在她的二儿子尤瑟夫身上后,她知道自己必须离开。

    But it was after this occurred to her middle son , Yousef , she knew she had to leave .

  8. 在构成所述作业梯主体的每二段梯身的铰链连接处,设置铰链保险装置。

    A hinge safety device is arranged at the hinge connection part of every two sections of ladder bodies on the operation ladder main body .

  9. 第二,他身上有一局部,我不晓得是多大的局部,在盼望吸我的血。

    The second – there was a part of him , and I don 't know how dominant that part might be * that thirsted of my blood .

  10. 失败后的他被赶出了舞台。于是,他把所有时间花在训练一龙和二奎的身上,完善他们在京剧和武术上的技艺。

    Banished from the stage upon his loss , Master Yu spends his time training Yilong and Erkui in Peking Opera and martial arts , perfecting their skills .

  11. VannevarBush在1945对于资讯系统的观念,以他在二次世界大战身为科学研究与发展中心总监的经验为基础。

    Starting Over Vannevar Bush's1945 concept of an information system based on his experiences during WWII as Director of the Office of Scientific Research and Development .

  12. 这是香港特区第二次从人身上分离出禽流感病毒A(H9N2)。

    This is the second time that avian influenza A ( H9N2 ) viruses have been isolated from humans in Hong Kong SAR .

  13. 第二章:人身保护令制度的基本原理。

    The basic principle of the " Habeas Corpus System " .

  14. 第二部分,三身代词我、你、他。

    Part two , personal pronouns Wo , Ni and Ta .

  15. 第二章农村人身保险的基础理论。

    Chapter 2 : The basic theories of personal insurance in rural area .

  16. 然而,事实上,恰恰是珠儿集二者于一身;

    But , in truth , Pearl was the one as well as the other ;

  17. 第二天,他身上裸露的部位变成了巧克力一样的棕色。

    By the next day the exposed parts of his body had turned a chocolate brown .

  18. 第二章触电人身损害赔偿的责任主体。

    The second chapter is liability body in compensation of human detriment caused by electric shock .

  19. 第二部分对人身损害赔偿优先权制度的立法基础进行探析。

    In the second part , this paper mainly discusses the legislative basis of priority of personal injury compensation .

  20. 四个方面是:一是高压触电引起损害赔偿的立法冲突;二是触电人身损害责任的归责原则;

    These four aspects are : first , contradiction in legislation regarding injury compensation due to high voltage electric shock ;

  21. 你是英国皇室的二公主,我身为你的姐姐,有资格管你。

    Second , you are the British royal princess , I , as your sister , you are eligible tube .

  22. 千叶监狱里面超过三分之二都是因为身上负有命案而被判罪,这些罪名分别是是谋杀、纵火或过失杀人。

    Over two-thirds of the inmates of Chiba prison were convicted for crimes that caused death-mainly murder , arson or manslaughter .

  23. 一是将人身危险性作为核心内容,二是建立人身危险性测评制度。

    One is that puts the personal dangerousness as the core content . The other is that sets up the evaluation systems of personal dangerousness .

  24. 自此人身危险性理论便踏上了艰难的历程,并在实践中得以逐步地完善。第二部分,人身危险性的概念。

    Henceforward the theory sets foot on the full of frustrations road . In practice the theory reaches perfection step by step . Part ⅱ: the concept of personal dangerousness .

  25. 然而,事实上,恰恰是珠儿集二者于一身;而且,也正因为有了这个同一性,海丝特才能如此完美地用孩子的外表率象征她的红字。

    But , in truth , Pearl was the one , as well as the other ; and only in consequence of that identity had Hester contrived so perfectly to represent the scarlet letter in her appearance .

  26. 德国和单一货币已被当成了替罪羊。人们认为,欧元区成员国的问题就是这二者造成的,欧洲无力战胜发生在这块大陆的金融与经济危机,责任也在这二者身上。

    Germany and the single currency have been made scapegoats for the problems of member states and for Europe 's inability to overcome the continent 's financial and economic crises .