
  • 网络secondary innovation;second innovation
  1. 本文利用专利竞赛模型(patentrace),探讨技术引进及其二次创新活动中技术引进费用与自身应用性研发投入的关系以及二次创新速度和市场均衡时参与该竞赛的厂商数目的决定。

    By using patent-race model this paper studies the relationship between technology import , the cost of technology import in the secondary innovation and the applied R & D investment , and , the speed of determining the number of the manufacturers ' participating in the race under market equilibrium .

  2. 二次创新竞争模型与企业竞争战略分析

    A model of secondary innovation competition and firm 's competitive strategies

  3. 适合我国企业的技术创新方式&二次创新

    Technological Innovation Pattern Suitable for Our Enterprises & Secondary Innovation

  4. 二次创新与我国制造业全球化竞争战略

    Secondary Innovation and Strategies for China 's Manufacturing Industry in the Global Competition

  5. 二次创新竞争模型与后发优势分析

    A competitive model of secondary innovation for later - comer 's advantage analysis

  6. 知识供应链中知识二次创新模型的研究

    A Study on the Model of Second Knowledge Innovation in Knowledge Supply Chain

  7. 我国企业持续创新过程的二次创新战略研究

    Study on the Strategy of Secondary Innovation During the Process of Continuing Innovation for our Country 's Enterprise

  8. 企业的研发战略有自主研发、协作研发、一体化兼并和技术引进、二次创新。

    R D strategy includes independent R D , cooperative R D , integration merger R D and technology purchased .

  9. 随着我国市场经济的进一步发育成熟,经济国际化程度提高,民营高技术企业本身存在的一些问题日益暴露,普遍面临二次创新问题。

    With the mature of the social market economy in China , they face more and more difficulties in business development .

  10. 欠发达地区技术创新特征:模仿性(二次创新)、跨越性和复杂性;欠发达地区技术创新类型的选择;

    Technical innovation for underdeveloped economy is chiefly characterized by : imitativeness ( secondary innovation ), excessive speed , and complexity .

  11. 本文用二次创新竞争模型描述了技术输出方和技术引进方的二次创新竞争情形。

    This paper described the competition of technology doner and recipient in secondary innovation with a model of secondary innovation competition .

  12. 在此基础上,文章运用1998~2004年我国30个省市大中型工业企业面板数据进行了实证分析,并提出加大引进技术二次创新的建议。

    In positive tests , this paper uses economic data of large or medium-size enterprises in 30 Chinese provinces during 1998 ~ 2004 .

  13. 低碳技术的转移不仅有助于促进技术创新成果扩散,同时也能提高低碳技术二次创新可能性。

    Low carbon technology transfer technique innovation achievements not only help to promote diffusion , also can improve the second low carbon technologies innovation possibilities .

  14. 创新素质教育是全面培养与提高学生创新素质,使之成为高素质创造性人才的教育活动,是对素质教育的创新,所以称为二次创新。

    Innovation quality-oriented education is creating students quality with all-around development and improving and it makes students ' become high-quality qualified persons with creativity , and therefore it is called " second innovation " .

  15. 本文探讨了医院技术创新的模式,认为医院创新应以临床需要为动力,以二次创新为主,一次创新为辅,以自我为主的技术创新模式。

    The article explored the innovation pattern of hospital technology and put forward that hospital innovation should be motivated by clinical needs , and lay stress on self innovation so as to set up a new pattern .

  16. 廉政审计基于特种审计制度理论平台,对特种审计进行了第二次制度创新。

    The honesty auditing based on the theory of special auditing system , an innovative system itself , is characterized by greater innovativeness .

  17. 合作技术创新、从模仿(二次)技术创新逐步走向自主首次创新、在着力推进工业技术创新的同时大力开展农业技术创新;

    Choices of technical innovation for underdeveloped economy mainly include : cooperative technical innovation , imitativeness ( secondary innovation ) and agricultural innovation as well as industrial one .

  18. 相信本文对于我国中式快餐企业以及类似企业的创业与二次创业以及创新与自主创新等,都能起到启示与借鉴的积极作用。

    Just like this , the article will lead the entrepreneurship of the corporations like Chinese fast food and second entrepreneurship , innovation or innovation by itself to success .