
  • 网络Quiche
  1. 我们打算参加一个乳蛋饼比赛。

    We were about to go to a quiche competition .

  2. 我们有个年度最佳乳蛋饼制作比赛。

    We have a contest for the best quiche of the year .

  3. 在约克城高地的IBM实验室里,我享用了这道菜,也吃了另一款由沃森创造出的美味菜肴:瑞士/泰式芦笋乳蛋饼。

    For lunch at the IBM labs in Yorktown Heights I slurped down that one and another tasty Watson invention : Swiss / Thai asparagus quiche . Not bad ! It 's unlikely that either one would ever have occurred to humans .

  4. 乳蛋饼盘内刷上黄油,并撒满面包屑。

    Butter quiche dish , then sprinkle all over with bread crumbs .

  5. 非常好,乳蛋饼已经快好了。

    Doing great , the quiches are coming along .

  6. 用奶酪和咸肉做成的乳蛋饼。

    Quiche made with cheese and bacon .

  7. 有个乳蛋饼杯里有只我的蓝指甲,

    Umm , but ah , there 's a blue fingernail in one of the quiche cups ,

  8. 我在乳蛋饼里加了土豆,这样做出来的饼就更能成形也好吃。

    I added some potatoes in my quiche , this will help set the quiche and taste better .

  9. 典型的上午茶可以包括早餐剩下的炒菜,裹着香肠、蘸着奶酪、黄油或奶油的乳蛋饼,同时还有圆形圣糕、馅饼等。

    Typical brunches include breakfast casseroles or quiches loaded with sausages , cheese , butter and cream , all served with hot cross buns , cinnamon rolls , or pastries .