- book review

[book review] 评价和介绍书籍的文章
For this issue , we have specially invited Professor Qian to write a Book review .
And with me now is Pamela Paul , editor of The New York Times Book Review . And joining us is my colleague at the NewsHour Elizabeth Flock to tell you more about the book club 's many features .
His book about Afghanistan is reviewed here by Anthony Hyman .
There is no point reviewing a blockbuster as you might review a serious novel .
An anonymous benefactor tried to abstract this story for a Book report .
He can write a great review about any of the books we 're studying with his eyes closed .
Sales , Marketing are concerned with context : figuring out where the book sits in the market , how to get it into bookstores , and reviewed .
The earliest evidence of work martyr is from a 2007 San Antonio Express-News review of the business book New Girl on the Job , by Hannah Seligson .
When he took over as editor in 1920 , he realized that the page opposite the editorials was " a catchall for book reviews , society boilerplate , and obituaries2 " .
For this installment , 250 Words " Sam McNerney sits down with Max Bazerman .
When Europe Assails Google & Book Review on Google Defies Europe
A longer essay by him on this topic appears in the current edition of The New York Review of Books .
That these are reviews of my book Seriously , I 'm Kidding
If the Reading Agency book list doesn 't appeal , you could to read book reviews , visit a library or bookshop or ask a friend .
Greene personally suffered his way through a two-month research tour in Mexico , according to John Updike 's New York Times review in 1990 .
Our weekly read column features fortune staffers ' and contributors ' takes on recently published books about the business world and beyond .
When Agus 's book was reviewed by the Daily Mirror in England last month , he says he got 7000 angry blog and e-mail responses .
Instead of panhandling , Dladla reviews books and discusses authors with passers-by -- impromptu book club sessions , essentially -- to earn an income , according to SA People News .
This week , David Carr , The Times 's Media Equation columnist and a culture reporter , reviews " The Invention of News , " by Andrew Pettegree .
Reviewing the book in The New York Times , the feminist writer Susan Brownmiller called " Judgment Day " " an embarrassing venture . "
It is that of Jed Rakoff , a US judge , who wrote an essay in the New York Review of Books entitled Why Innocent People Plead Guilty .
Edward Hallowell , an ADD expert ( whose book Driven to Distraction at Work I reviewed last week ) , sees it as a stroke of genius .
Writing in The Times earlier that year , the book critic Christopher Lehmann-Haupt nearly placed the mini-series above the novel .
She talked about Amazon integrating with Facebook ( or any other repository of social graph info ) such that they could highlight book reviews from her friends .
Bill Gates , the co-founder of Microsoft , has emerged as a force in the publishing industry , thanks to the book reviews he posts on his blog , Gates Notes .
But as Edward Luce wrote , reviewing The Rise of the Robots for the FT , his latest work is " well-researched and disturbingly persuasive . "
After I sent it and the sequel ( " The Rosie Effect " ) to dozens of friends and wrote about it on my blog , I heard from a lot of people who were touched by it .
For an essay on postmodernism and music , he browsed the review of a book by a University of Louisiana jazz professor and an excerpt from a book by two music professors at Stony Brook University .
This paper introduces the general situations of American H-Net and H-Net Book Reviews , and sums up and analyzes on the features of H-Net Book Reviews .
While on vacation in Mexico in 2008 , Miranda cracked Ron Chernow 's doorstop biography , " Alexander Hamilton , " " which was nominated in 2004 for the National Book Critics Circle award and won the George Washington Book Prize .