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  • 网络Calligraphy works;calligraphic work;handwriting
  1. 他的书法作品风骨雄强。

    His works of calligraphy present a forceful style .

  2. 然而,数字化书法作品同时也带来了新挑战:在当前OCR技术无法将书法字识别成文本从而进行检索的情况下,如何为这些作品提供有效的检索服务?

    But digitizing the historical calligraphy works brings new challenges : As the existing Optical Character Recognition technologies can 't convert these calligraphy images into texts , how to retrieve the calligraphy characters and enable the searching services in digital library ?

  3. 书法作品是客厅、书房、卧室里的装饰物。

    Calligraphic works also decorate sitting rooms , studies and bedrooms .

  4. 怎么样,我的书法作品给力吧?

    What about my calligraphy works ? not bad , right ?

  5. 一种中国书法作品的骨架提取算法

    An Algorithm for Distilling the Skeletons of the Works of Chinese Calligraphy

  6. 能量书法作品又有什么作用?

    What does such works do ? This passage of Mr.

  7. 金农早期书法作品考

    Some Notes on Jin Nong 's Early Works of Calligraphy

  8. 那里看上去就象是不同朝代的书法家的书法作品的收藏室。

    It seems like a boxroom of handwriting of calligrapher in different dynasty .

  9. 以及图画和书法作品。

    Paintings and calligraphy are well-known in the world .

  10. 从一幅中国书法作品中,你能收获很多东西。

    You can really get a lot from a piece of Chinese calligraphy .

  11. 我知道我们要去看书法作品对不对?

    I know we are going to see some calligraphic works , right ?

  12. 看,这是我的书法作品。

    Look ! This is my calligraphy work .

  13. 一位参观者站在书法作品前欣赏。

    A visitor stands in front of calligraphies .

  14. 一份好的书法作品的前提是你要思考和计划。

    The foundation of writing a perfect piece of calligraphy is thinking and planning .

  15. 在这个展厅,将向大家介绍有关李鸿章的书法作品。

    In this exhibition hall , I 'll introduce you about Li 's calligraphy .

  16. 一间贴满书法作品以及老子画像的宿舍给英超楠留下了深刻印象。

    Ying was impressed by a dorm decorated by calligraphy works and pictures of Laozi .

  17. 她技艺惊人的书法作品作为了这次学生们所卖的所有东西中的亮点。

    Her exquisite calligraphy was the highlight of the items the students offered for sale .

  18. 他的书法作品备受国内外收藏者的钟爱。

    His works of calligraphy are most favored by collectors both at home and abroad .

  19. 他的书法作品包括匾额、对联和信札部分。

    His handwriting includes those engraved on steles , written in couplets and his letters .

  20. 略谈米芾及其书法作品

    MI Fu and His Calligraphy Works

  21. 浅议书法作品创造性的构思

    On Creative Conception of Calligraphy Works

  22. 他的书法作品一文不值。

    His writing is all junk .

  23. 书法作品与存在差异

    Calligraphy Works and the Different Existences

  24. 书法作品真伪鉴别。

    Verification of calligraphy works .

  25. 原始的历史书法作品每件都是唯一的,存在于纸张、石头、绢丝或者竹简上,因容易破损而珍藏在博物馆里不允许随便翻阅。

    The original historical calligraphy works are exists in papers , stones , silks or bamboo slips .

  26. 优秀书法作品的诞生,需要艺术家获取强烈的审美体验。

    The creation of excellent calligraphy needs the artist to obtain a strong sense of aesthetic taste .

  27. 为我的书法作品取名《传家宝》的灵感取自于中国的传统文化。

    The title of my calligraphy series " Family Treasure " was adopted from the traditional Chinese culture .

  28. 将整个展览串在一起的,是中国文人最珍视的艺术形式&书法作品。

    Threaded throughout the show are works that deal with writing , the art form Chinese literati most valued .

  29. 本文旨在结合书法作品来分析这一原则在书法中无处不在的体现。

    This article aims to analyze the combination of calligraphy work of this principle everywhere in the embodiment of calligraphy .

  30. 同学们的笔书法作品展现在垂直的字画上,清晰而优雅。

    Each child 's work was meticulous and clearly presented in the upright , graceful strokes of a fountain pen .