
  • 网络Local culture;rural culture
  1. 乡土文化作为中国文化的重要组成部分,正逐步渗透到当代环境艺术设计之中。

    Rural culture , as an important component of Chinese culture , is gradually penetrate contemporary design environment .

  2. 中国乡土文化视阈中的天主信仰&以晚清华北的天主教为中心

    Belief in God from the Perspective of Chinese Native Rural Culture & Centered on the Catholic Church of North China in Late Imperial Qing

  3. 乡土文化在吉林省有着深厚的历史积淀。

    Local culture has a deep historical accumulation in Jilin Province .

  4. 贾平凹近期小说对乡土文化的思考

    The Thought of Countryside Culture in Jia Ping-ao 's Temporary Fictions

  5. 泰国潮人的乡土文化情结

    On Chaozhou People 's Complex of Native Soil Culture in Thailand

  6. 城市文化与乡土文化的差异让他们左右为难。

    The differences between urban culture and Local cultural make them dilemma .

  7. 乡土文化的嬗变与农村社会稳定

    The Transmutation of Native Soil Culture and the Stabilization of Rural Area

  8. 而自身具有的那种民族特色的乡土文化在逐渐的消失。

    Itself with the kind of ethnic characteristics of the local culture gradually disappeared .

  9. 体会他的作品受到湘西民俗文化和乡土文化的熏陶。

    His work experience by Western Hunan folk culture and folk culture of nurture .

  10. 用信息技术诠释乡土文化&历史文化名城保护与建筑教育的和谐共振(英文)

    Interpreting Vernacular Culture with IT & Accordant Resonance of Protecting Historic Cultural Cities and Architectural Education ;

  11. 乡土文化中的人性美&《边城》艺术特色浅析

    The Beauty of Human Nature in Local Culture & humble opinion on artistic characteristics of the Edge City

  12. 土族是由多民族融合形成在青海高原上的民族群体,并创造了自己的乡土文化。

    Tu nationality , combining a variety of nationalities , has created its unique native culture In Qinghai plateau .

  13. 属北京市文物保护单位,并列为北京传统乡土文化旅游景点。

    It is among the Beijing city protective antique places , and listed in the vernacular cultural tourism sceneries .

  14. 对乡土文化负面价值的批判已构成河南作家的主导文化品格。

    The criticism of the negative value of local culture by Henan writers has become their leading cultural character .

  15. 将乡土文化引入美术课程,是传承和发展乡土文化的有效方法。

    Local culture will be introduced art courses is the development of local cultural heritage and the most effective way .

  16. 关于防止新农村建设可能带来的破坏、乡土文化景观保护和工业遗产保护的三个建议

    Three Proposals for Preventing the Potential Damage by Building the New Countryside and Protecting the Local Cultural Landscape and the Industrial Heritage

  17. 指出他的小说既从形式上向古典美学借鉴,又从传统文化角度再现了乡土文化和民族心理。

    This part points out Wang 's short stories both draw lessons from classical aesthetics and embody country culture and national psychology .

  18. 《1号检察官》中人物形象与乡土文化关系之思考有关农村中小学乡土音乐教育的若干思考

    The Relationship between the Characters in No.1 Procurator and Local Culture ; Several Considerations of Primary and Middle School Country Music Education

  19. 作家在对乡土文化的历史和现状进行理性批判的同时伴随着对现代文明的反思。

    The writer carried the rational critique to the native cultural history and the present situation simultaneously to follow to modern civilization reconsidering .

  20. 乡土文化在景观造型艺术中不仅体现出了浓厚的地域文化特征,而且二者高度融合呈现出了新的视觉感知。

    Local culture in landscape art not only reflects the strong regional culture characteristic , high fusion after two shows new visual perception .

  21. 川菜的文化内涵正是它那具有浓郁的乡土文化气息的民俗文化的特征。

    The cultural connotation of Sichun dish is just the feature of its folk custom culture with its rich flavor of local culture .

  22. 大众传媒一方面构建着农民工对城市文化的认知,另一方面又消解着农民工的乡土文化。

    Mass media constructs the cognition of migrant workers to urban culture . Meanwhile , Mass media dispels the migrant workers ' local culture .

  23. 乡土文化具有悠久的历史和丰富的文化内涵,它记录了人类文化发展演进的整体历程。

    Local culture has a long history and rich cultural connotations , it records the evolution of human cultural development of the whole process .

  24. 物质层面着意于在分析城市公园景观要素的基础上乡村意味的景观的塑造,精神层面侧重于乡土文化的表达与乡村氛围的提升。

    In the material aspect , based on the analysis of landscape element in urban park , the creation of rural landscape is emphasized .

  25. 乡村以其旖旎的田园风光、浓郁的乡土文化气息、新鲜的蔬菜瓜果和原滋原味的乡村生活而受到都市居民的亲睐。

    The townspeople are attracted by charming and gentle rurality scene , rural culture breath , fresh vegetable and fruit , local rustic life .

  26. 随着遗产保护类别和内容的不断扩展,推动了保护乡土文化、乡土建筑的保护。

    Along with category and the content of the inheritance protection unceasing expansion , it impelled the protection local culture and the local construction protection .

  27. 中华文化被世人称赞,而承载无数华夏乡土文化的传统聚落却面临危机。

    Chinese traditional culture is appreciated by people all over the world , but the traditional settlement which bears Chinese native culture is facing a crisis .

  28. 引言主要对家园情结进行界定,认为家园情结是一种文化情结,是对乡土文化的复杂情感。

    Introduction to the main complex to define their homes , homes that complex is a cultural complex , and the native culture of complex emotions .

  29. 从商业运作、商务管理、乡土文化继承与传播等各方面利益考虑,秦晋商人在全国范围内建立了大量会馆。

    In order to manage their business in a more effective way and to spread the local culture , they established numerous guild halls throughout the country .

  30. 旅游开发对乡土文化产业的推动是多方博弈的结果,文化多样性是乡土文化旅游的生命之基。

    The promotion of tourism development to traditional culture is the fruit of many sources and culture diversity is of essence to the tourism of traditional culture .