
  1. 众院小组发布九一一之前美情报作业调查报告

    House Panel Releases Investigation Report on Intelligence Work before 9.11

  2. 九一一恐怖袭击事件使得签证办理受到更多的限制。

    The9112001 terrorist attacks led more restrictive visa requirements .

  3. [美]司法部将在九一一周年采新入境登记制度

    US Justice Department will launch new migrant registry system on September 11 anniversary

  4. 在九一一攻击之后,美国增加了防御上的费用。

    After the Nine-eleven attacks , America has increased its spending on defense .

  5. 在九一一事件之后,有许多的资金都在场边观望,等待时机进场。

    There is a lot of money waiting on the sidelines after the911 attack .

  6. 九一一以来俄罗斯对美国政策

    Russian US Policy since September 11 , 2001

  7. 罗纳德刚才看到一场事故。他正在和一名九一一勤务调度员交谈。

    Ronald has just seen an accident . He is talking to a9-1-1 dispatcher .

  8. 中央情报局也曾在九一一袭击前将无人机作监视用。

    The CIA was also utilizing these for surveillance before the September 11th attacks .

  9. 九一一袭击真是场悲剧。

    The911 attacks were really a tragedy .

  10. 这里是九一一,有什么紧急情况?

    Nine-one-one , what is your emergency ?

  11. 九一一事件后三个月内,华埠成为“封锁区”。

    In the three months following September11th , Chinatown was a " frozen zone " .

  12. 我们的政治领导人,在九一一事件后告诉新加坡回教徒,他们无需为自己辩白。

    Post-911 , Singaporean Muslims were told by local politicians they had no reason to be defensive .

  13. 日裔美国艺术家藤村真于九一一惨剧发生后,有个极不寻常的机会。

    The Japanese-American Mako Fujimura faced an unusual opportunity in the wake of the World Trade Center disaster .

  14. 自九一一事件之后,随着恐怖主义威胁的逐渐严峻,全世界对恐怖主义的关注度也越来越高。

    Since the attack , the threat of terrorism has become increasingly serious and severe all around the world .

  15. 2001年九一一事件后,美俄关系的一个显著特征就是地缘政治的回归。

    A significant feature marking US-Russian ties after the September 11 Incident in 2001 was the return of geopolitics .

  16. 全球经济衰退以及九一一事件后恐怖主义引起的恐慌已严重影响了澳洲观光业。

    The global recession and fear of terrorism after the September 11 incident have greatly affected Australia 's tourism .

  17. 九一一后,回教徒妇女因为穿戴头巾,使她们在世界各地成为明显的报复目标。

    Since 911 , the headscarf worn by Muslim women has made them easy targets for hate crimes worldwide .

  18. 他说,「九一一」事件刺激许多想法,对他的小说影响很大。

    He said that September 11 provoked a long hard think and that affected his novel as much as anything else .

  19. 可是他解释说,早在「九一一」恐怖攻击之前,他已交出六、七份草稿了。

    He explained that six or seven drafts of the novel had already been submitted when the September 11 attacks happened .

  20. 美国单边主义笼罩下西方同盟体系的嬗变&九一一后日美同盟与德美同盟的比较研究

    The Transmutation of Western Alliance System under US Unilateralism : A Comparative Study of US-Japan and US-German alliances after 9 / 11

  21. 社会心理、错误知觉与美国安全观的转变及实践&以九一一事件和伊拉克战争为例

    Social Psychology , Misperceptions , and Transition & Enforcement of U.S. Perceptions of National Security : The Cases of 9.11 and Iraq

  22. 近第三季季末,市场情绪因九一一事件的震荡更受打击。

    Then towards the end of the third quarter , sentiment was dampened further by the shock from the September 11 incidents .

  23. 经过两年的空头市场后,我们遭遇九一一恐怖攻击,如今又有恐怖攻击疑虑,再加上企业不法问题。

    Following two years of empty market , we encountered the9.11 terrorist attacks and now face fears of terrorist attacks and corporate misdeeds .

  24. 批评家们将卡特里纳飓风的失误称之为是对纳税人的一次袭击。莉莎:然而卡崔娜飓风的罹难人数比九一一事件还多!

    Critics are calling Hurricane Katrina fraud a taxpayer assault . Lisa : But Katrina killed more people than died on 9 / 11 !

  25. 和我在九一一后碰面的非回教徒朋友,都不认为头巾问题会影响和回教徒朋友的交往。

    The non-Muslims that I met even after 911 did not see the headscarf as something that prevented them from interacting with their Muslim friends .

  26. 迪安·马基指出,“九一一”后消费信心急降,而后利率下调贷款免息使得却增加了汽车销量。

    Mr Maki notes that consumer confidence plunged after the September11th terrorist attacks but that Fed rate cuts enabled interest-free loans which dramatically boosted car sales .

  27. 发生在我小时候的一次政治性暗杀曾使我感到很难过,但是因为当时我还年轻,它并没有给我造成同九一一事件一样的影响。

    The political assassinations that occurred when I was a kid upset me , but didn 't have that same effect because I was too young .

  28. 九一一恐怖攻击事件发生后,任何希望进入飞行学校上课的外国学生,都必须上项核可才行。

    In the wake of the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks , any foreign student who wishes to enroll in a flight school program needs the above clearance .

  29. 身为一个回教徒,九一一事件后我一直留意非回教徒新加坡人会不会对我另眼相看。

    As a Muslim , post-911 , I am constantly looking out for signs that my fellow non-Muslim Singaporeans are looking at me with a different set of eyes .

  30. 年内,环球经济持续低迷,美国发生「九一一」恐怖袭击事件,令情况雪上加霜。

    The deterioration of the global economy that took place during the year was further aggravated by the tragic event happened on 11th September , 2001 in the United States .