- strategic defense initiative;a star war

Fans waited for years for the first Star Wars prequel .
Her favorite movies are The Hunger Games and Star Wars .
Fans waited for years for the first Star Wars prequel . 《
Buzz Lightyear as the hero of Star Wars 7 ?
Went to London to see a fantastic film called star wars .
Actor Orson Welles had been reading H.G.Wells ' book The War of the Worlds on the radio for Halloween .
So was " Attack of the Clones . " But it didn 't seem to matter .
There is a guy in my neighborhood who wears a Star Wars hat all the time .
Fireworks sponsored by Star Wars : Episode Ad Nauseam : Does It Really Matter What We Subtitle These Anymore , Part 1 .
Yoda 's greatest display of raw power in the original trilogy came when he lifted Luke 's X-wing from the swamp .
Live dramatic battles in the mass combat action game based on the new3D animated film and TV series Star Wars : The Clone Wars !
The most critically acclaimed of all the Star Wars films , the Empire Strikes Back , was not directed by Lucas .
Called " Force Trainer " it is named after " The Force " powers of Yoda and Luke Skywalker in the popular Star Wars films .
Inside the church a brass band played the film 's The Binary Sunset music - known as Luke Skywalker 's theme .
This is a scene from Star Wars where the3PO comes out and he sees machines making machines .
J.J. Abrams directed " The Force Awakens , " but this time around , Rian Johnson is at the helm .
Other attractions were related to some of the Walt Disney Company 's acquisitions , including Marvel Comics and the " Star Wars " franchise .
It even explored the influence of " Star Wars " on Saddam Hussein 's son Uday .
One example is the famous water-cooler moment beloved of entertainment executives , when staff mill around filling flimsy paper cones while discussing the new Star Wars film .
The wild success of the film now known as " Episode IV - A New Hope " has been held responsible for much of what followed , the good along with the bad .
ILM was spawned out of star wars .
For example , I tried using Siri to steer a spaceship in a Star Wars game .
Now , most popular views of AI , of course , come from science fiction and the movies , and I 'm personally a big Star Wars fan .
Spoiler isn 't the right term , given that it was impossible not to be aware of the 8000-pound gorilla that is " Stars Wars : The Force Awakens . "
It 's hardly an accident that J. J. Abrams , director of " Star Wars : The Force Awakens , " is one of us .
A strong performance by Star Wars there will put it in a position to surpass Avatar as the top-grossing movie ever released .
Some of Disney 's most iconic attractions , including Space Mountain , It 's a Small World and Star Tours , a " Star Wars " - themed journey through space , will not be featured when the park opens .
China came late to Star Wars but arrived in a big way when the latest film in the series broke Chinese box office records on Saturday , according to Walt Disney .
The glove helped scientists control Robonaut 2 , a humanoid that provided engineering and technical assistance on space mission just like Star Wars ' R2-D2 .
Eidos develop Star Wars toys online game