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chénɡ shì
  • take advantage of a favourable situation;make use of one's power;avail oneself of;to strike while the iron is hot
乘势 [chéng shì]
  • [avail oneself of;to strike while the iron is hot] 趁着势头

  1. 欧洲富时Eurofirst300乘势上涨1.4%;纽约市场午盘,标普500指数上涨0.8%。

    Europe followed suit , with the FTSE Eurofirst 300 gaining 1.4 per cent , while the S & P 500 was up 0.8 per cent by midday in New York .

  2. 他又开足发动机,夷然乘势而下。

    He runs his engine full again , riding exultantly .

  3. 加入世贸驾驭世贸兴利防害乘势发展&谈谈发展中国家面临的严峻挑战及应对措施

    On the challenge and the Counter-Measures of Developing Countries

  4. 足球呈弧线向他飞来,他乘势用头把球顶入球门。

    The ball swerved towards him , and he headed it into the net .

  5. 因此,必须采取以下相应对策加以推进:深化认识,乘势而为;

    Therefore , the following suggestions come to being : to deepen recognition for the right moment ;

  6. 是一种以乘势借力、克敌制胜为目的练习高超技击技能的方法。

    It is a method of practicing super techniques aimed at vigor coming from stance and overwhelming opponent .

  7. 中国港口乘势领跑

    China Port Striding Forward

  8. 引进技术,缩短与国际名牌差距&乘势;

    Import advanced technologies to narrow the gap between the foreign and domestic name brands & taking advantage of the situation ;

  9. 尽管只是怀旧几十年前的流行时尚,但珠宝首饰界却乘势利用这股复古之风大获其利。

    And the world of jewellery is cashing in on the trend for nostalgia , albeit nostalgia only a few decades old .

  10. 工业资产阶级乘势而起,经过几次社会改革终于取代地主阶级而成为当权者。

    The industrial bourgeoisie seized the opportunity , replaced the landlord class and rose to become the powerful class in government after social changes .

  11. 曹操的首次进攻被击退,此时风向逆刮,周瑜乘势用火攻。

    Cao Cao 's first attack was driven back and then the wind changed against him and Zhou Yu sent in an attack with fire-ships .

  12. 可是她也乘势主张大家散了,明天到车间里再定。

    Nevertheless , she seized this opportunity to suggest that they should close the meeting now and make the final decision in the workshop next morning .

  13. 那么抱上移动互联网这条大粗腿,动漫产业会不会如电子阅读产业一样乘势崛起呢?

    So hold on the mobile Internet this big thick legs , the animation industry will not be riding the same industry as the rise of electronic reading it ?

  14. 美国借反恐之机乘势进入了中亚,俄美在独联体地区渗透与反渗透的较量仍在继续。

    Taking the advantage of anti-terrorism , US penetrated into the Central Asia , and the competition of penetration and anti-penetration between Russia and US in the Commonwealth of Independent States ( CIS ) continues .