
  1. G7高层领导人在华盛顿会面详细探讨了乌克兰局势。

    Top officials from the group have met in Washington and discussed the situation in Ukraine at length .

  2. 但周五晚间一切都发生了变化。美国总统奥巴马(BarackObama)直言不讳地警告俄罗斯不要干预乌克兰局势。这一强烈的信号表明,两个老对手似乎又将陷入旧日的紧张关系。

    That changed late in the day when President Barack Obama bluntly warned Russia against intervening in Ukraine , a stark indication that old tensions are seeping back into the relationship .

  3. 白宫此前对乌克兰局势的评论都较为谨慎。

    The White House had been cautious in its comments on Ukraine .

  4. 布里德洛夫表示,这种与乌克兰局势类似的情况令人非常不安。

    Breedlove says the similarity to the Ukraine situation is not reassuring .

  5. 如果俄罗斯不采取行动缓解乌克兰局势,那俄罗斯将面临进一步的制裁措施。

    There Russia will face additional sanctions if it doesn 't move to de-escalate the situation .

  6. 乌克兰局势已经使得俄罗斯同包括美国在内的西方国家的关系恶化。

    The situation in Ukraine has worsened Russian relations with the West , including the United States .

  7. 欧洲官员们正希望在乌克兰局势方面与俄罗斯进行合作,尽管他们看上去却在谋求相互矛盾的目的。

    They are seeking to work with Russia on Ukraine even when they appear to be pursuing conflicting objectives .

  8. 鉴于最近的乌克兰局势,我们没时间等待达成完整的贸易协定。

    Given recent events in Ukraine , we don 't have time to wait for the full trade agreement .

  9. 自西方对俄实施制裁以来,俄罗斯未表露出半点放弃干涉乌克兰局势的意愿。

    Since western sanctions were imposed Russia has showed no intention of pulling back from its intervention in Ukraine .

  10. 上周以来,普京对乌克兰局势一直保持沉默,但他与几位西方领导人就此问题举行了会谈。

    Mr Putin has remained silent on the issue since last week but has held talks on Ukraine with several western leaders .

  11. 美国指责俄罗斯未采取行动履行上周达成的缓和乌克兰局势的协议。

    United States is accusing Russia of doing nothing to implement a deal reached last week to calm the situation in Ukraine .

  12. 另外,普京小圈子内的强硬派前安全官员也向他施加了压力,这些人认为乌克兰局势是一个重大战略挫折。

    Mr Putin also came under pressure from hardline former security officials in his inner circle who saw Ukraine as a major strategic setback .

  13. 对西方来说,在乌克兰局势引发国际紧张之际,孤立俄罗斯、对俄罗斯国内局势撒手不管是一个诱人的选择。

    At a time of international tension over Ukraine , it is tempting for the west to wash its hands of Russia and isolate the country .

  14. 这份联合声明表示:在关于乌克兰局势的日内瓦会议上,各方同意采取多项初步的具体步骤,以缓解紧张局势,让所有公民重获安全。

    The Geneva meeting on the situation in Ukraine agreed on initial concrete steps to de-escalate tensions and restore security for all citizens , said a joint statement .

  15. 报告出现之际,正值欧洲国家准备于下月投票表决是要放宽,还是要维持对俄罗斯的经济制裁。俄罗斯正是因为在乌克兰局势中扮演的角色而受到制裁的。

    The report comes as European nations are preparing to vote next month on whether to ease or maintain economic sanctions on Russia because of its role in Ukraine .

  16. 不过,克里还表示,会上并未讨论取消对俄实施的制裁。他说,如果在缓解乌克兰局势方面没有取得进展,可能会造成一些额外的后果。

    However , the US secretary of state also said there had been no discussion of lifting the sanctions already imposed on Russia , and said that if there were no progress towards de-escalating the situation in Ukraine , there would be additional consequences .

  17. 周二的今天我们首先从乌克兰这个局势动荡的国家开始。

    This Tuesday , we are starting in Ukraine , a very unstable country .

  18. 乌克兰的局势发展到今天事出有因,令人遗憾。

    It is regretful that the situation in Ukraine has come to what it is today .

  19. 欧盟外交部长周四在布鲁塞尔召开紧急会议讨论乌克兰的局势及制裁。

    EU foreign ministers have scheduled an emergency meeting for Thursday in Brussels to address Ukraine 's situation and discuss sanctions .

  20. 外高加索地区和乌克兰的局势具有较高的相似性,克里米亚冲突也将对外高加索地区的安全与稳定带来重大的影响。

    The situation in Transcaucasia and Ukraine have a high similarity , the Crimean conflict will also have an external impact on security and stability of Transcaucasia .

  21. 中德都是六国会谈终止伊朗核问题的参与者,默克尔也是试图缓解乌克兰紧张局势以及与俄罗斯进行合作的主要人物。

    Both China and Germany are part of the six - nation group that is trying to thrash out a nuclear deal with Iran . Merkel has been a key figure in trying to reduce tensions in Ukraine and get Russia to cooperate .

  22. 联合国人权官员伊万·西蒙诺维奇表示乌克兰的局势令人非常不安。“这是我们坚定立场,因为可能过度使用武力,必须有可靠的,公正的国际调查介入。“西蒙诺维奇说道。

    United Nations human rights official Ivan Simonovic called the situation in Ukraine extremely disturbing . " It 's our firm position , that because of possible excessive use of force , there must be credible , impartial and international investigations , " said Simonovic .

  23. 中国汽车制造商吉利汽车控股有限公司(GeelyAutomobileHoldingsLtd.,简称:吉利汽车)表示,如果乌克兰的政治局势恶化,将考虑减少对乌克兰的待装汽车出口量。

    Chinese auto maker Geely Automobile Holdings GELYY - 2.92 % said it would consider reducing the number of cars it exports to Ukraine for assembly should the political situation there deteriorate .

  24. 卢表示,将对俄罗斯实施更多的制裁措施以回应其继续升级乌克兰的紧张局势。

    Lew says additional sanctions will be introduced should Russia further escalate tensions in Ukraine .

  25. 但他明确表示,只要乌克兰东部的局势不能平息下来,就不可能有真正的进展。

    But he made clear there could be no real progress without first calming eastern Ukraine .

  26. 在做出这项决定之前,北约防长在乌克兰的紧张局势不断升级之际在布鲁塞尔举行了会议。

    The decision comes after the NATO defense minister had a meeting in Brussels amid escalating tensions in the Ukraine .

  27. 乌克兰的紧张局势已经为普遍的正收益报告蒙上了一层阴影,对从亚洲到美国的全球市场造成了波动。

    Tensions in Ukraine have overshadowed generally positive earnings reports - creating volatility in global markets from Asia to the United States .

  28. 这个国家现在处于十字路口的选择点,一边是西欧,另一边则是俄罗斯。乌克兰的紧张局势现在应该到了接近它的一方。

    Kind of a crossroads , Western Europe to one side , and Russia to the other . The tension happening in Ukraine right now is over which side the country should be closer to .

  29. 在乌克兰已经紧张的局势中这是另一种升级。

    It is another escalation in an already tense Ukraine .

  30. 目前,青睐新兴市场的投资者正在根据乌克兰和泰国的局势发展来决定自己在东欧和东南亚市场的前进方向。

    Take what is going on currently in the Ukraine and Thailand , emerging market darlings for their respective orbits in Eastern Europe and Southeast Asia .