
  • 网络Udaipur;Udayapur;Udai-pur
  1. 焦特布尔和乌代普尔的王族均为拉杰普特人。

    The princely dynasties in Jodhpur and Udaipur are Rajputs .

  2. 数十架包机飞往乌代普尔市,庆祝伊莎·安巴尼和阿南德·皮拉马尔的婚礼,当地人称这是一场“极其盛大的印度婚礼”。

    Dozens of chartered planes flew into Udaipur for celebrations to mark the wedding of Isha Ambani and Anand Piramal , which was dubbed locally " the big , fat Indian wedding . "

  3. 周三,她与33岁的皮拉马尔在印度经济之都孟买举行婚礼,但庆祝活动上周末已在乌代普尔市开始,期间举行了宴会、歌舞和其他婚礼前仪式。

    She married Piramal , 33 , in the financial capital of Mumbai Wednesday , but the celebrations began over the weekend in the city of Udaipur , with feasts , singing and dancing , and other pre-wedding rituals .