- Main shock;principal earthquake;strong shock

[strong shock] 在地震的余震之前破坏性最强、威力最大的震动
It is effective to decide whether principal earthquake appears after figure by exponent A ( b ) .
The results observed network by of strainmeters in superficial soils show that the maximum horizontal shearing strain in soils had produced abnormal variation before the 1976 Tangshan earthquake and the principal earthquake would have happened after this abnormal variation .
Direction of primary movement of P wave can change after major earthquake .
It is suggested that curves showing the energy accumulation in the course of stripe formation show two patterns and that the b-values before main shock occurrences are smaller than 1 .
Judgement the epicentral range of coming main shock by the rela-tion of AB linked line and main shock location
In addition , it is also to be found that the strike directions of two rupture zones might vary slightly analyzing initial motion of P wave , coinciding with the relocated results of aftershock zones .
Comparing with the CMT solution of Harvard University , their results are similar .
Using h value of M6.0 earthquake sequence and b value containing main earthquake to estimate the future strong earthquake magnitude . Using h value of M5.0 earthquake sequence and b value barring main earthquake to estimate the future strong post-earthquake magnitude ;
Therefore the fracturing process associated with the main-shock as well as the ⅰ, ⅵ type small earthquakes are stick-slip of rock masses along conjugate faults trending NE and NW .
Of the 7 earthquakes , the main earthquakes occurred 25 days later after its significant earthquakes , excepting the Jinghe M6 . 0 earthquakes occurred 63 days later after its significant earthquakes .
In this paper , a relocation of the Zhangbei Shangyi earthquake sequence has been done using the double difference earthquake location algorithm ( DD algorithm ), and consistent results with that obtained by the master event technique were obtained .
It is discovered that the B and C value in a definite region will jump up rapidly and lay in the high position , when the major earthquake is coming . The entropy H of the tide tilt amplitude factor will be reduced in this case .
It is shown from analysis of space distribution of released seismic strain energy ε( t ) that the regions with high Q C value are the regions with high strain release .
Main Shock and After Shock & From the Omori Formula to the ETAS Model
Through the statistical analyses of variation of corner frequency f_c and stress drop Δσ with time , it is discovered that the average corner frequency of the foreshock sequences is obviously lower than that of the aftershock sequences .
The high rupture velocity may be related to the fact that the Newport-Inglewood fault is a mature fault .
Considering the rupture mode of the main shock , we give the quantitative statistical relationships between R and M0 under 95 % confidence levels for different sequence types .
The results show obvious variation in the β and Q C - 1 values of regional coda wave amplitude attenuation rates before and after the main earthquake .
Comparing with previous results , it indicates that , when M0 is large enough , R is mainly determined by M0 and there is almost no relationship with the rupture mode of the main shock .
92 % of earthquakes were followed signal earthquakes , and 83 % of these signal earthquakes are within distance of 150 km from the main earthquakes and 67 % of which were followed by main earthquakes occurred in less than a year .
The Tangshan earthquake of 1976-an event of triple main shock pattern
The prediction of the Xingtai main shock by the direct foreshocks
The flat straight fault leads to mainsheck weak aftershock type ;
It gives one example of the earthquake nucleation process .
Study of prediction indices for second main earthquake of double earthquake sequence
Spatial evolution of wave velocity ratio anomaly and prediction of main earthquake location
Aftershock activity between main shock and maximum aftershock ;
The distance and direction of migration are related to the rupture pattern .
The result considered that the earthquake belongs to main shock aftershock type .
This theory postulates that such places are due for a major shock .