
  • 网络main channel
  1. 西气东输管线距离南水北调工程穿黄河隧道的最近距离:河漫滩仅150m,主河槽仅205m。

    The distances between the pipeline of West to East Natural Gas Diversion Project and the tunnel of South to North Water Diversion Project are only 150 m apart from river shoal and 205 m apart from main channel .

  2. 试验研究揭示,主河槽宽度缩窄造成洪水水位涨幅增大,河底平均高程抬升和过水断面面积减小造成洪水水位起涨的基准面抬升是河道萎缩致灾的主要原因。

    The increase of the amplitude of the flood water level rising caused by the narrowing of main channel , the raise of mean elevation of the river bed and the elevated datum level at young flood caused by wetted area reduction are the main causes affecting the disaster-causing effect .

  3. 黄河下游河道断面形态参数变化与主河槽萎缩趋势分析

    Variation of channel cross-section morphological parameters and trend of channel shrinkage in Lower Yellow River

  4. 该模型考虑了各流道(如滩地、主河槽等)的不同阻力特征,反映了主槽和滩地水流流动路径的差异。

    The different resistance characteristics of several " channels ", such as main channel and floodplain channel , reflecting differences of water flow routing , are considered in the model .

  5. 主河槽过流面积、主河槽河床平均高程是判别河道萎缩的必要因子,而断面宽深比不是必要因子。

    It is suggested that the change of wetted-area and main channel bed elevation of a cross section are the two main factors to judge channel shrinkage , but the ratio of width to depth is not necessary .

  6. 在条件允许时,可采取在泥石流沟出口右侧开挖泥石流导流槽等措施,以改变泥石流的走向,防止泥石流直接涌入主河槽形成堵坝危害。

    If the condition is permitted , we take measures of digging a diversion trench to change the directions of debris flow , prevent the debris flow from swarming directly into the main river and avoid hazard of blocking dam .

  7. 辽宁省阜新市新建成的4座橡胶坝、主河槽与游览路、河堤和防洪抢险路与城市中心段已有的5座桥和城区排污暗管一起,将城区污水排入下游的污水处理厂。

    There is 4 rubber dams , main riverbed and visiting-ways , riverbank and flood prevention salvage road . There are 5 bridges in the center of Fuxin city , and the limber pipes of city zone are connected into the sewage factory by underground pipes .