
[ The EU ] is a sovereign union , they can make laws for themselves but they cannot make laws for the whole world , he said .
The initiators of Cosmopolitanism advocated the international control of force , the organization of " Sovereign States Coalition ", the maintenance of international peace and the elimination of wars , all of which are the desires of the sages .
The financial crisis has exposed the weaknesses in any currency union among otherwise sovereign countries , particularly the difficulty of adjustment and the lack of a proper central bank .
If we have learnt one thing in the past two years , it is the complexities of a monetary union among fiscally independent sovereigns .
A monetary union of sovereign states cannot function without the principle of no bailout , which means that every country is responsible for its policies .
The Europe I believe in was intended to be a practical embodiment of the values and principles of the open society ; a voluntary association of equal and sovereign states that surrendered part of their sovereignty for the common good .