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zhǔ zǎi
  • dominate;master;dictate;decide;rein;ordain;preponderate;force that controls and governs the destiny of mankind or the development of things;force that controls and governs the destiny of mankind or the development things
主宰 [zhǔ zǎi]
  • (1) [dominate;decide;dictate]∶主管;支配

  • 主宰世界

  • 主宰自己的命运

  • (2) [force that controls and governs the destiny of mankind or the development of things]∶起支配、控制作用的力量

主宰[zhǔ zǎi]
  1. 汽车、石油以及工业企业与IBM共同主宰榜单。

    The motor industry , oil and industrials dominate the list with IBM .

  2. 在日流量计算,雅虎财经(yahoofinance)等网站主宰了在线金融新闻领域。

    Sites such as Yahoo Finance dominate online financial news in terms of daily traffic .

  3. 他小时候由父亲主宰一切。

    As a child he was dominated by his father .

  4. 目的是让人们更能主宰自己的生命。

    The aim is to give people more power over their own lives .

  5. 在商业世界中,无序状态主宰一切。

    In the business world , entropy rules .

  6. 开快车会让人觉得自己有一种主宰之力。

    There is a feeling of power that comes from driving fast

  7. 她20年来一直力图完全主宰自己的电影事业。

    For two decades she has sought complete control over her film career

  8. 可可·香奈儿在半个世纪里一直主宰着时尚界。

    Coco Chanel reigned over fashion for half a century .

  9. 在以剑身击石之后,他宣布自己为“城之主宰”。

    On striking his sword on the stone , he declared himself Lord of the City

  10. 我们是自己命运的主宰者。

    We are masters of our own destiny

  11. 她在一个由比自己大20岁的男人们主宰的世界里作风强硬。

    She is playing hardball in a world dominated by men 20 years her senior .

  12. 黑人模特正逐步涉足曾是白人主宰的领地:签约获利丰厚的化妆品行业。

    These black models are moving in on what was previously white territory : the lucrative cosmetic contracts .

  13. 现在,我的兄弟,跟着我说,“至上伟大的真主,全世界的主宰。”

    Now , brother , repeat after me , ' All praise to Allah , Lord of All the Worlds ' .

  14. 她的兄弟是国王,但她才是实际的主宰者。

    Her brother is the king , but she is the effective ruler .

  15. 思想是行动的主宰。

    Action is determined by thought .

  16. 昨日的调整也标志着葛霖在汇丰主宰地位的终结

    Yesterday 's reshuffle also marks the end of Mr Green 's dominant role ruing the bank .

  17. 斯蒂吉表示,这座沙堡代表着疫情暴发以来新冠病毒主宰了世界。

    He said he wanted the castle to represent the power the coronavirus has had over the world since the beginning of the pandemic .

  18. 在这个由苹果公司(Apple)设计并主宰的科技世界里,就是没有这家软件巨头的一席之地。

    There was no place for the software mammoth in a tech world designed and dominated by apple .

  19. 智能本标志着Arm首次大举进军英特尔主宰的传统PC市场。

    Smart books signified the first major push by Arm to break into the traditional PC market that is dominated by Intel chips .

  20. 他的贡献被称作向量自回归VAR,主宰了宏观经济很多方面的分析。

    His contribution , known as vector auto-regression ( VAR ), came to dominate many aspects of macroeconomic analysis .

  21. 刚刚离职的美国国防部网络政策主管罗伯特布特勒(RobertButler)告诉英国《金融时报》,这就是为何网络是一个由攻方主宰的空间的原因。

    That is why cyber is an offense-dominant space , Robert Butler , just-departed Pentagon cyber policy chief , told the Financial Times .

  22. 生命的中心法则:基因型(DNA或基因)处于最原始和最本质的地位,主宰和制约表型(蛋白质→细胞→有机体)程序的发生发展。

    According to the life central dogma , the genetype ( DNA or gene ) is the most primary and the most essential matter of the life , and master and confine the phenotype program ( protein to cell to organism ) .

  23. 我的梦想是印度能够主宰世界娱乐业,而Eros成为印度首屈一指的电影制片公司。

    My dream is that India rules the world in the entertainment business and Eros is the first major Indian studio .

  24. 但上周日,苹果(Apple)发出了迄今为止最明确的信号,将以几乎任何代价主宰这个新兴市场,即便这意味着在此过程中苹果要耗费其2000亿美元现金储备中的一部分。

    But on Sunday , Apple gave the clearest signal yet of its ambition to dominate this nascent market at almost any cost & even if that means burning through a portion of its $ 200bn cash pile in the process .

  25. 大多数复杂网络的背后都隐藏着一个普遍的组织规律:非标度性,即网络的连接度分布服从幂法则(p(k)-k-λ),网络被少数具有大量连接的节点所主宰。

    Traditionally these networks have been modeled as random graphs . Recent researches find that most complex networks hide generic mechanisms and order : scale-free , namely , the degree of the network follows the power law ( p ( k ) - k - λ) .

  26. 就在默多克证实他竞购道琼斯数日之后,路透(Reuters)和汤姆森(Thomson)宣布进行了规模为170亿美元的合并,旨在主宰电子分销信息市场。

    Just days after Mr Murdoch confirmed he had bid for Dow Jones , Reuters and Thomson announced a $ 17bn merger , aimed at dominating the market for electronically distributed information .

  27. 2006年国际石油市场的发展趋势将表现出需求强劲、OPEC影响力进一步减弱、各种不确定性政治和自然事件依然存在、基金积极参与以及美国主宰石油政治的特点,国际油价也因之将保持较高水平。

    In 2006 , the great demand , the weak affection of OPEC , political and natural uncertainties , fund and American petroleum politics will lead to a development tendency characterized by high petroleum price .

  28. 被视为“股东价值”运动之父的杰克韦尔奇(jackwelch)表示,沉迷于短期利润和股价上涨是一种“愚蠢的想法”,而过去20多年来,这一直主宰着企业界的思维。

    Jack Welch , the executive regarded as the father of the " shareholder value " movement , has said that the obsession with short-term profits and share-price gains that has dominated the corporate world for more than 20 years was " a dumb idea " .

  29. 城市项目的创始人AugostoPiazza说道:“汽车主宰一切,”他是一个有着亮晶晶的蓝眼睛,步履轻快,穿着黄马甲的淘气鬼。

    " Cars rule ," said Augosto Piazza , the founder of the city 's program , an elfin man with shining blue eyes , a bouncing gait and a yellow vest .

  30. 能力值评估过程NBA2K公司准备在九月中旬发布2K18,而且已经有条不紊地在推特上公布一些最大牌球星的评分,这些球星都是外界预期将会下个赛季NBA权利的游戏中主宰沉浮的人物。

    Meet the Brains Behind the NBA 2K18 Player Ratings As 2K readies the release of NBA 2K18 in mid-September , the company has been methodically revealing player ratings for some of the biggest names in the sport on Twitter , unveilings that have become as anticipated as who 's next to perish on Game of Thrones .