
  1. 央行仍保持稳健的货币政策,其主导利率仅略高于零,为0.1%。

    The central bank kept its monetary policy steady , with its key rate near zero at0.1 % .

  2. 我国资金市场主导利率是官方利率,国债发行利率是其从属利率。

    In China the leading interest rate of financial market is official rate with the interest rate of national debt as a subordinate one .

  3. 一国的基准利率是利率体系中的核心利率、主导利率,对于货币市场的发展起着十分重要的作用。

    The benchmark interest rate of a country is the core and leading rate of interest rate market which is doing an important job in the development of monetary market .

  4. 欧洲央行暗示,下个月可能还将提高主导利率,表明其货币政策不会因信贷市场动荡而偏离轨道。

    The ECB signalled that its monetary policy would not be blown off course by the credit turmoil by hinting it would also increase its main interest rate again next month .

  5. 2009年12月04日欧洲中央银行3号宣布,将主导利率维持在1%的历史最低水平不变,符合分析人士的预期。

    2009-12-04 The European Central Bank ( ECB ) announced on Thursday ( Dec.3 ) to maintain its key rate at the record lowest of1 percent , in line with analysts'expectations before hand .

  6. 保尔森说,中国继续致力于一个根据市场主导的兑换利率,那么双边的关切就仅仅是升值速度的问题了。

    Paulson said the Chinese remain committed to having a market-based exchange rate and that bi-lateral differences concern only the pace of appreciation .

  7. 目前外界的普遍预期是:中国将引导经济软着陆,并将设法从投资和出口主导的经济增长转向内需主导的增长,利率将正常化且中国信贷扩张势头将会得到遏制。

    The consensus is that China will engineer a soft landing , that it will manage a transition from investment and export-led growth to more domestic demand , that interest rates will normalize and the country 's credit expansion will be reined in .