
lín shí jìn lìnɡ
  • temporary injunction;temporary restraining order
  1. Uber如果违反这个临时禁令,将在德国面临25万欧元的罚款,公司在当地的一名雇员可能面临最多六个月的监禁。

    Uber faced fines in Germany of up to 250,000 euros ( about $ 330,000 ) or a jail term of up to six month for a local employee if it violated the temporary injunction .

  2. 临时禁令是知识产权诉讼中一项重要的制度。

    Temporary injunction is an important intellectual property litigation system .

  3. 每一次您的IP是标帜,在以这种方式,您下次临时禁令的时间将会增加。

    Each time your IP is flagged in this manner , your next temporary ban duration will increase .

  4. 本文最后一章通过与TRIPS协定的比较,对我国有关知识产权执法措施的法律制度进行了评述,指出临时禁令制度不应仅限于著作权、商标权、专利权的范围。

    Compared with TRIPS , the author comments on the law system about IP executive measures and points out that preliminary injunction should not just limit to copyright , trademark right and patent right .

  5. 杜塞尔多夫法院周的举动是遵循了一项在八月底有关三星GalaxyTab10.1的临时禁令。

    Friday 's move by the Duesseldorf court follows an interim ban in late August on German sales of Samsung 's Galaxy Tab10.1 .

  6. 那种认为我国财产保全和先予执行制度类似于英美法系中的临时禁令制度的观点,在理论上是站不住脚的。

    In China , there is no such injunction in law .

  7. 国际知识产权保护中的临时禁令制度研究

    Research on the Preliminary Injunction System in International Intellectual Property Protection

  8. 论民事诉讼法中临时禁令制度的构建

    On the Constitution of the System of Provisional Injunction in Civil Procedure

  9. 民事诉讼中临时禁令制度研究

    Studies on the System of Provisional Injunction in Civil Procedure

  10. 他被给予临时禁令。

    He is grant a temporary injunction .

  11. 第三部分概括地论述了我国临时禁令制度的现行立法状况及其存在的问题,并提出临时禁令制度是具有民事诉讼程序意义的救济制度之观点。

    We conclude that the injunction is a legal remedy system of the civil procedure .

  12. 这就是说,被提起“临时禁令”的企业将有可能与整个欧洲市场绝缘。

    That is to say , enterprise under " injunction " may be isolated from the whole European market .

  13. 当地法院随后签发了“临时禁令”,对4企业的展位进行了撤销,并且扣押了涉及的参展商品。

    Local court then issued " injunction ", revoked the exhibition stands of such four enterprises and detained involved exhibitors .

  14. 在此基础上分析了在我国新形论民事诉讼法中临时禁令制度的构建中文提要势下构建临时禁令制度的紧迫性与必要性;

    It also analyzes the urgent and the needful to construct the system of provisional injunction in the new times ;

  15. 因为德国是欧盟成员,“临时禁令”申请人的权利将延伸至欧盟各个成员国。

    Germany is a member of eu , so the rights of " injunction " applicant shall extend to EU members .

  16. 随着中国各地担忧情绪加剧,上海发布了临时禁令,禁止一切活禽批发活动,并下令关闭市场。

    With fears mounting around the country , Shanghai issued a temporary ban on all wholesale live poultry trading and ordered markets closed .

  17. 如今股市十分红火,自上个月北京取消了为期10个月的临时禁令之后,新股发行均受到追捧。

    Markets are hot , and new share issues which restarted last month after Beijing lifted a 10-month moratorium are being gobbled up .

  18. 在知识产权领域,特别是专利权领域,临时禁令制度是一项重要的临时救济措施。

    In the field of intellectual property rights , especially that of patent rights , the interim injunction is an important provisional measures of remedy .

  19. 处理密歇根案件的法官表示,因为在规定实施之前这个情况解决不了,所以他批准了临时禁令。

    The judge in the Michigan case says he issued the restraining order because the matter can not be resolved before the mandate takes effect .

  20. 然而全世界人民的目光都投向了美国,在这里他们的总统颁布了一项禁止七个以穆斯林为主的国家的人进入美国的临时禁令。

    But the eyes of the world are on Trump 's America after the president decreed a temporary ban on people from seven predominantly Muslim countries .

  21. 第四部分则就临时禁令的立法模式、适用条件、担保问题、审理程序等方面,运用比较法的方法具体分析了我国临时禁令制度中存在的问题并提出相应的解决办法。

    Fourthly , with view of the comparative law , we make an analysis on different aspects of the injunction and try to give the correspondent solutions .

  22. 这项临时禁令遭到国内外的广泛批评,但特朗普支持提案,说这是确保美国安全所必需的。

    The temporary ban has been widelycriticised in the US and abroad but Mr Trump has stood by the proposal , sayingit is needed to ensure US security .

  23. 临时禁令制度从内容上来讲,它是一种程序上的措施,只解决程序问题,而不解决实体问题。

    According to the contents of the temporary injunction system , it is a procedural measure , which can resolve procedural issues , and not resolve the substantive issues .

  24. 就会展中的侵权为例,“临时禁令”可以要求被指控侵权的参展企业撤销展台,并且扣押侵权产品。

    Taking an infringement in the exhibition as an example ," injunction " may require enterprise exhibitors accused of infringement to revoke the exhibition stands and detain their infringing products .

  25. 一名美国地方法院法官批准了一项临时禁令,允许一家物业管理公司不用为雇员提供避孕费用,这家公司属于达美乐批萨创始人。

    A US district judge granted a temporary restraining order , allowing a property management company owned by the founder of Domino 's Pizza to avoid providing contraception to employees .

  26. 在诉讼救济中不可忽视印章的紧急保护,特别是临时禁令制度的适用,将有利于避免或减少侵占印章行为给公司造成的损害。

    The emergency protection of company chops in litigation process is too important to ignore . The application of temporary injunction will be benefit to avoid or reduce the damages caused by company chops ' misappropriation .

  27. 美国芯片生产公司高通称苹果公司违反了它的两项专利权,本周早些时候产生了两项临时禁令,强制苹果公司停止在中国销售很多个类型的苹果手机。

    US chip maker Qualcomm claims Apple violated two of its patents , which resulted in two preliminary injunctions in China earlier this week that force Apple to stop selling a wide range of iPhones there .

  28. 利物浦两位美国老板汤姆·希克斯和乔治·吉列今天晚间声称,一家美国德州法院已经批准了一纸临时禁令,阻止原本即将发生的波士顿红袜老板对利物浦俱乐部的收购行为。

    Hicks and Gillett claim they will sue the three Liverpool board members , the bank controlling the club 's debt and prospective buyer New England Sports Ventures for a total of $ 1.6bn (£ 1bn ) in damages .

  29. 这一争吵在上周变得公开化,当时,郭炳湘赢得了一项临时法庭禁令,阻止董事局投票罢免他的主席职务。

    The spat became public last week when Walter Kwok obtained a temporary court injunction to stop the board from voting to oust him .

  30. 在英国,当损害赔偿不能给原告提供足够的补偿时,法官则通过衡平法为其提供临时性禁令救济。

    In Britain , when the damages can 't provide enough compensation for the plaintiff , the judge offers interlocutory injunction to them by equitable law .