
  • 网络Temporary employment
  1. 关于合法移徙临时就业以配合国外投资的国际协定;

    International agreement on legal migration for temporary employment coupled by foreign investment ;

  2. 但由于目前临时就业市场处于动荡之中,投资者可能会期待听到更多交易的好消息。

    But with the temporary employment market in turmoil , investors can probably expect the sweet sound of more deals .

  3. 要想恢复到08年初经济情况健康时的临时就业率的状态,我们还有很长一段路要走。

    And we are a long way from where temp hiring was when the economy was strong in early 2008 .

  4. 在我们的国外工作部门我们提供既可以是永久性的(移民)和临时就业,我们的服务包括在这个部门。

    In our working abroad department we provide both permanent ( immigration ) and temporary employment , our services in this department includes .

  5. 9月份男女的失业率分别是11%和8%。传统上雇佣男性的工业已经大幅度消减人数。例如,制造业和建筑业上个月工作岗位减少,但是医疗和临时就业服务工作岗位增长,这两个行业需要大量的女性。

    But the recession has been harder on man , in october the unemployment rate for man was almost 11 % compared to 8 % for women .

  6. 一般而言,招聘专业人士例如会计师、律师和信息科技(it)专业人士占临时就业市场的三分之一左右,而统一招聘则弥补了这一缺口。

    Generally , staffing professionals such as accountants , lawyers and information technology specialists comprises about one-third of the temporary employment market , while general staffing makes up the difference .

  7. 在随便签约之前,还是找一家能证明曾在他们那里工作过的和你有同样技能的员工,现在已经在你感兴趣的行业成功就业的临时就业机构吧。

    Before signing up with just any temporary agency find one that has proven success placing workers who have your skill set and preferably with employers in your field of interest .

  8. 我国临时性就业发展现状及前景预测

    The Situation and Tendency of Temporary-employment in Our Country

  9. 人们并非不知道这种经济关系,那为何通过临时性就业措施方面的法案是如此之难呢?

    These economic relationships are not unknown , so why is it proving so hard to pass legislation related to temporary jobs measures ?

  10. 数据低于预期,这表明,在政府关门临时裁员之前,就业市场就处于疲软的状态。

    That 's fewer than expected and it suggests that a weakened job market even before the temporary layoffs during the government shutdown .

  11. 临时性减税政策将刺激消费支出,而联邦政府支出的短期增长将为建筑业创造临时性的就业机会,并使现金短缺的州政府和地方政府得以避免裁员。

    Temporary tax cuts would boost consumer spending while a temporary boost in government spending would create temporary jobs in construction and preserve jobs in cash-strapped state and local governments .