
  1. 临床医学七年制诊断学整体教学模式改革

    Holistic Teaching Mode Reform of diagnostics of 7-year Program Clinical Medicine

  2. 临床医学七年制学生专业理论考试质量分析

    Quality Analysis of Specialized Theoretical Examinations for Seven-year Program Students in Clinical Medicine

  3. 临床医学七年制学生科研能力培养新模式的探索

    A New Model of Developing Medical Seven-year Master Degree Students ' Ability on Scientific Research

  4. 临床医学七年制药理学试卷分析与思考

    The Analysis and the Evaluation on the Examination Paper of Pharmacology for Seven-year System Medical students

  5. 临床医学七年制耳鼻咽喉科学双语教学实践与思考

    Practice and analysis of bilingual teaching method in Otorhinolaryngology on bilingual education for seven-year-program medical students

  6. 护理学专业和临床医学七年制学生的因子得分显著高于其他专业(P<0.05)。

    The factors scores of seven-year clinical medical students and nursing students were significantly higher than those of the other students ( P < 0.05 ) .

  7. 在培养过程中采用副导师培养机制、学术个性化培养机制等具体措施,加强临床医学七年制的管理体系研究。

    During the course of cultivating , we should use many measures including cultivating mechanism of the assistant-supervisor and academic characterization , and intensify the investigation on management system of seven-year system clinical medicine .

  8. 临床医学专业七年制高等教育是为适应社会发展对高素质的医学人才需求所设立的。

    Seven-year education was set to get higher quality doctors in clinical works .

  9. 我校临床医学专业七年制医学英语教学探索

    EMP ( English for Medical Purposes ) Teaching Practice in the 7-Year-Program Clinical Medicine of Southeast University

  10. 方法对临床医学专业七年制2001级医学生在儿科见习和实习阶段序贯采用病案教学法,并与传统教学方法进行比较。

    Methods we have taken up the clinical case teaching and compared with the traditional teaching method in the class of2001 .

  11. 我校对临床医学专业七年制医学英语教学进行了一系列的改革,从课程定位,建立开放教学体系,到教学方法,教学策略,考试形式等都做了较大的调整。

    A series of innovations in EMP teaching have been carried out in the 7-year-program clinical medicine from such aspects as curriculum design , teaching methodology and strategies , form of examination and establishment of an open teaching system .

  12. 为了探索口腔基础课的教学模式,通过问卷的方式调查分析口腔临床医学五、七年制学生对口腔基础课开展双语教学的态度和要求。

    To explore the teaching model of basic-curriculum of stomatology , this study investigated student 's attitude on bilingual teaching in the undergraduates and seven-year masters by a questionnaire .