
zhōnɡ jiān sù zhǔ
  • intermediate host;intermediary host
  1. 钉螺(Oncomelaniasnail)是日本血吸虫唯一中间宿主,消灭钉螺可阻断血吸虫病的传播。

    As Oncomelania snail is the only intermediate host , extirpation of the snail makes it possible to intercept the transmission of Schistosomiasis .

  2. 首次证明狲猴Macacamulatta可充当本虫的第二中间宿主和转续宿主。

    Hispidum . The tests were first demonstrated that Macaca , mulatta can acted as the second intermediate host and paratenic host of the parasite .

  3. 这份120页的报告称,病毒最有可能来自动物,可能是蝙蝠或穿山甲,经由未知中间宿主传播给人类。

    The 120-page report said the virus most probably jumped from an animal , potentially a bat or pangolin , to an unknown intermediate animal host and then to humans .

  4. 目的定位研究一氧化氮合酶(NOS)在日本血吸虫中间宿主&钉螺体内分布及活性。

    Objective To study the distribution and activity of nitric oxide synthase in the tissues of the schistosome vector snail , Oncomelania hupensis .

  5. 结论初步建立的PCR检测方法可用于中间宿主&螺类携带广州管圆线虫的检测和野外疫情监测,具有良好的推广价值。

    The developed PCR method can be used for detection of Angiostrongylus cantonensis in infected edible snail and for epidemic monitoring , thus it has great value in practical work .

  6. 曼氏血吸虫中间宿主&藁杆双脐螺Biomphalariastraminea(Dunker)在我国的发现

    The discovery of Biomphalaria straminea ( dunker ), an intermediate host of Schistosoma mansoni , from China

  7. 莫氏扩张绦虫Monieziaexpansa(Rudolphi,1810)的发育和其中间宿主研究

    Studies on the development of Moniezia expansa ( rudolphi , 1810 ) and its intermediate hosts in fukien , China

  8. A型流感病毒的自然宿主是野生水禽、鸥和岸基鸟,而家鸭也是AIVs巨大的储存库,同时也被认为是AIVs从自然宿主到陆生家禽传播的一个重要中间宿主。

    The natural host for influenza A virus is believed to be wild waterfowls , gulls and shorebirds . Domestic ducks are a great pool of AIVs and considered as an intermediate host between wild waterfowls and land-based poultry .

  9. 淮南地区华支睾吸虫中间宿主感染情况调查

    Investigation on intermediate host infection of clonorchis sinensis in Huainan area

  10. 北京地区主要寄生虫中间宿主:医学贝类的研究

    Intermediate host of main parasites : molluscs distributed in Beijing region

  11. 景洪地区肺吸虫的第二中间宿主调查

    Investigation on second Intermediate Host of Lung Fluke in Jinghong Region

  12. 福建省广州管圆线虫及中间宿主的调查

    Investigation on Angiostrongylus cantonensis and its Intermediate Host in Fujian Province

  13. 钉螺是日本血吸虫唯一的中间宿主。

    Oncomelania hupensis is the unique intermediate host of Schistosoma japonicum .

  14. 生态环境的改变对并殖吸虫中间宿主滋生的影响

    Effect of Environment Change on Propagation of the Intermediate Host of Paragonimus

  15. 日本血吸虫中间宿主-钉螺的螺口动力学研究

    Research on Intermediate Host of Schistosoma Japonicum-Oncomelania Hupensis Population Dynamic

  16. 在该次疫情中,猪是中间宿主。

    On this occasion , pigs were the intermediate hosts .

  17. 但在随后发生的尼帕病毒疫情中并无中间宿主。

    However , in subsequent NiV outbreaks , there were no intermediate hosts .

  18. 宝清县小城村肺吸虫中间宿主感染情况的调查

    Investigation of infection of paragonimus westermani intermediate host in Xiaocheng village of Baoqing county

  19. 中间宿主为耳萝卜螺,螺的尾蚴平均感染率为021%。

    Intermediate host was Radix auricularia , average infectious rate was 0 21 % .

  20. 国内广州管圆线虫的中间宿主和转续宿主研究进展

    Advances of Intermediate Host and Reservoir Host of Angiostrongylus Cantonensis in Guangzhou , China

  21. 浙江宁海并殖吸虫中间宿主感染情况调查

    Epidemiological Investigation on the Intermediate Hosts of Paragonimus in Ninghai County of Zhejiang Province

  22. 检测中间宿主溪蟹的肺吸虫囊蚴携带率以及保虫宿主犬、猫的肺吸虫感染。

    Also the infective rate of freshwater crab and reservoir host were detected respectively .

  23. 湖南省肺吸虫的中间宿主

    The intermediate hosts of Paragonimus in Hunan

  24. 华支睾吸虫第二中间宿主胞囊蚴的发现与实验观察

    The Discovery and Experimental Research of Clonorchis Sinensis Encysted Metacercariae in the Second Intermediate Host

  25. 这种螺旋菌的最初中间宿主是鹿身上的属于一种硬虱的扁虱。

    The primary intermediate hosts for this spirochete are deer ticks belonging to the genus Ixodes .

  26. 在我国主要广泛用于杀灭血吸虫的中间宿主&钉螺。

    In China , it is usually used to control the intermediate snail hosts of schistosomiasis .

  27. 结果梅州市并殖吸虫第二中间宿主均为平和华溪蟹。

    Results The second intermediate host for Paragonimus is Sinopotamon pinheense Cheng et Li , 1998 .

  28. 了解白城地区华支睾吸虫第二中间宿主感染情况。

    To find out the infection status of Clonorchis sinensis metacercariae in freshwater fish in Baicheng region .

  29. 第二中间宿主溪蟹肺吸虫囊蚴感染率为6。

    The result showed that the infectiosity of crab which considered as second intermediate host was6.82 % ;

  30. 华支睾吸虫第2中间宿主囊蚴感染率变化与生态环境分析

    The changes on the infection rate of Opisthorchis sinensis cyst in second intermediate host and ecological environment analysis