
  • 网络blood sucking insect;bloodsucking insects;conenose
  1. 有可能通过其它吸血昆虫发生机械性传播。

    Mechanical transmission through other blood sucking insects is possible .

  2. 一场由吸血昆虫引起的瘟疫。

    A plague of bloodsucking insects .

  3. 巴西正准备释放数百万转基因版本的无用吸血昆虫。

    Millions of genetically modified versions of the useless vampire insects are being prepared for release in Brazil .

  4. 防治信鸽体内、外寄生虫感染,阻止吸血昆虫侵扰。

    Prevention and treatment of parasite infection inside and outside body of pigeons , prevent the infestation of blood-sucking insects .

  5. 查加斯病通常是通过吸血昆虫的叮咬、将被称为克氏锥虫的寄生虫输入受害者血液中进行传播。

    Chagas is usually transmitted from the bite of blood-sucking insects that release a parasite called Trypanosoma cruzi into the victim 's bloodstream .

  6. 国际旅游、移民、虫害防治手段的改变以及杀虫剂不再有效,这都会导致近些年在发达国家这种吸血昆虫的肆虐。

    International travel , immigration , changes in pest control practices and insecticide resistance may have contributed to a recent resurgence of this blood-sucking insect in developed countries .

  7. 与仿生诱蚊气体混合,模仿人体排汗和动物汗液自然释放的气味(人类闻不到),令雌性蚊子及其他吸血昆虫无法抗拒。

    Gas mixed with the bionic mosquito , to imitate the natural human sweat and sweat , odor from animal ( human smell ), so female mosquitoes and other blood-sucking insects can not resist .

  8. 调查结果显示,发病区和非发病区(黄河灌区、中部干旱区、南部山区)的3个不同气候类型区猪附红细胞体感染率的不同与吸血昆虫的种类和数量有关。

    In results , the different infectious incidence of porcine eperythrozoonosis in the morbid area and the non-morbid areas including the Yellow River-irrigated , the center-dried and the southern mountain areas were concerned with kinds and mounts of bloodsucking insects .

  9. 根据《医学昆虫学杂志》中的一篇报告指出,吸血的昆虫都喜欢黑色和红色,但是讨厌黄色和绿色。

    According to the work in the Journal of Medical Entomology , the blood-sucking insects love black and red but hate yellow and green .

  10. 任何无翅、吸血的寄生昆虫,以其跳跃的能力闻名。

    Any wingless blood-sucking parasitic insect noted for ability to leap .

  11. 我国重要吸血双翅目昆虫区系的研究进展河北省吸血双翅目昆虫种类调查与区系分析

    The Investigation and Faunal Analysis of the Blood-sucking Dipterous Species in Hebei

  12. 黑龙江流域重要吸血双翅目昆虫种类分布调查

    Investigation on species distribution of important blood-sucking diptera insect in Heilongjiang river valley

  13. 本文报告了东北中俄边境地区吸血双翅目昆虫的区系分布调查结果。

    The results are reported in this paper of faunal investigation of blood-sucking diptera insect in frontiers of Russia and Northeast China .

  14. 新世界的食肉蝙蝠,被误认为吸血但实际上以昆虫为食。

    Any new or Old World carnivorous bat erroneously thought to suck blood but in fact feeding on insects .